T-wave inversion (TWI) is a common ECG finding in patients with acute pulmonary embolism (APE). To determine the prevalence of TWI in patients with APE and to describe their relationship to outcomes. Retrospective study of 437 patients with APE. TWI patterns were described in two distributions...
T waveBackground: Inverted T waves in the electrocardiogram (ECG) have been associated with coronary heart disease (CHD) and mortality. The pathophysiology and prognostic significance of T-wave inversion may differ between different anatomical lead groups, but scientific data related to this issue is...
在1991年由Walder和Spodick提出global T wave inversion这一心电图新概念。其心电图特点:全 导联T波倒置;对称型T波倒置占优势,少数为非对 称性T波倒置;QT和QTc间期延长,对称型T波倒 置QTc间期延长较非对称性更显著;Q—T离散度在 正常范围;可与束...
inversion (redirected fromT-wave inversion) Dictionary Thesaurus Encyclopedia [in-ver´zhun] 1.a turning inward, inside out, or other reversal of the normal relation of a part. 2.in psychiatry, a term used by Freud for homosexuality. ...
T‐wave inversion (TWI) is defined as negative T‐wave of ≥1 mm in depth in two or more contiguous leads, with exclusion of leads aVR, III, and V1.[1]The presence of TWI at 12‐lead electrocardiogram (ECG)...
在1991年由Walder和Spodick提出global T wave inversion这一心电图新概念。其心电图特点:全 导联T波倒置;对称型T波倒置占优势,少数为非对 称性T波倒置;QT和QTc间期延长,对称型T波倒 置QTc间期延长较非对称性更显著;Q—T离散度在 正常范围;可与束支传导阻滞及左室肥厚共存。
T-wave inversionKey Clinical Message Electrocardiographic (ECG) changes occurring several hours after the onset of acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema have been seldom described. The proposed explanatory mechanisms are various and not fairly established. In the absence of significant coronary artery disease,...
A 16-year-old boy received IV infusion of clindamycin 0.6 g twice daily after incision and drainage of anal abscess. Three days after initiation of clindamycin treatment, the boy developed palpitations and chest tightness. The ECG examination showed ST-segment depression and T wave inversion inⅡ...
Methods Fifty nine patients of acute myocardial infarction(AMI) with ST elevation were divided into early T wave inversion group and non inversion group according to ECG within 24 hours from onset. 方法 据 2 4h内ST段抬高导联的T波形态 ,将5 9例AMI患者分为前侧壁T波直立组、T波倒置组、下后...
BOTTOM Line:Interpretation of the ECG shown inFigure 1cannotbe done without provision of at least a brief clinical scenario. Scenario #1(the patient is a healthy 5-year-old with no heart murmur)—in which case sinus arrhythmia, RAD of this degree, andsymmetricT wave inversion in leads V1,...