WHILE(@@FETCH_STATUS=0)-- Loop through all tables in the databaseBEGININSERT#RESULTEXECUTEA_Search_StringInGivenTable@SearchValue,@Table_Schema,@Table_Name;FETCHcurAllTablesINTO@Table_Schema,@Table_Name;END;-- whileCLOSEcurAllTables;DEALLOCATEcurAllTables;-- Return resultsSELECT*FROM#RESULTORDER...
syntaxsql 複製 < search_condition > ::= { [ NOT ] <predicate> | ( <search_condition> ) } [ { AND | OR } [ NOT ] { <predicate> | ( <search_condition> ) } ] [ ...n ] <predicate> ::= { expression { = | <> | != | > | >= | < | <= } expression | string_...
Azure SQL 托管实例 Microsoft Fabric SQL 数据库 下划线字符 _ 用于匹配涉及模式匹配的字符串比较操作(如LIKE和PATINDEX)中的任何单个字符。 示例 A:简单示例 以下示例返回以字母m开头且第三个字母为d的所有数据库名称。 下划线字符指定名称的第二个字符可以是任何字母。model数据库和msdb数据库均符合此条件。master...
text string search text string test text subwindow text suppression texttospeech texttospeechtts text transcript text transmission text transparency texttxt textual character textual data textual language prog textual output routin textual retrieval textual scan textual substitution text understanding texture ...
tramping in the wind tramps textinformatio tramps text informati tram trademark report tra mural myocardial tranquilized spirit a tranquilizer gun tranquilizing mind cl tranquillity property trans-13-docosenoic a trans-border data flo trans-information con trans-jordanarablegio transact-sqlcursortra tran...
We store data in multiple formats or data types in SQL Server tables. Suppose you have a data column that contains string data in alphanumeric format. We use LIKE logical operator to search specific character in the string and retrieve the result. For example, in the Employee table, we want...
Array data type in SQL server Array's IN SQL SERVER? ASCII values for extended characters Assign empty string '' if datetime is null Assign EXEC output to Variable Assigning NULL value to column name using Case Statement of where is SQL SERVER 2008 atomic if not exists() and insert or upd...
| string_expression [ NOT ] LIKE string_expression [ ESCAPE ‘escape_character’ ] | expression [ NOT ] BETWEEN expression AND expression | expression IS [ NOT ] NULL | CONTAINS ( { column | * } , ‘< contains_search_condition >’ ) ...
Administration of In-Memory Architecture of In-Memory T-SQL for In-Memory T-SQL for In-Memory Guide to query processing Supported T-SQL Unsupported T-SQL Unsupported features DDL for natively compiled Define Durability Data types Indexes for In-Memory ...