CREATE FUNCTION PadStringTrim ( @inputStr varchar(500), @finalLength int, @padChar varchar (1), @padSide varchar(1) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(500) AS BEGIN -- the point of this function is to avoid using replicate which is extremely slow in SQL Server -- to get away from ...
T-SQL自定义函数LeftPad T-SQL自定义函数,它有点像MS SQL Server的REPLICATE函数。它有三个参数,第一个@String是原有字符串,第二@Char参数就将要加入至前置字符串,第三个@Leng参数为前置字符串重复次数。 udf_LeftPad SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- === -- Author: Insus.NET -...
Here is my method for achieving left and right string padding in the Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL language. Unfortunately T-SQL does not offer functions like Oracle PL/SQL's LPAD() and RPAD() and C#'s PadLeft() and PadRight() functions. However, you can achieve the same thing using the...
Here is my method for achieving left and right string padding in the Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL language. Unfortunately T-SQL does not offer functions like Oracle PL/SQL's LPAD() and RPAD() and C#'s PadLeft() and PadRight() functions. However, you can achieve the same thing using the...
toobox toogor desktop took my seat took sight took the rough with t took to their bosom tool bags of leather tool bar toolbareditor tool bar in frontpane toolbar style tool based programmin toolboxs toolbox scroll button toolbuilder tool builder kit toolcarrier tool coordinate syste tool cut...
This is mine, works on one default schema but it can be easily improved It gives 3 columnns with SQLQueries - Create / Drop / Rebuild (no reorganizing) Query: SELECT 'CREATE ' + CASE WHEN is_primary_key=1 THEN 'CLUSTERED' WHEN is_primary_key=0 and is_unique_constraint=0 THEN 'NON...
Can you use a case statement as part of a left join Can't access temporary table inside function Can't add datetime column with default value in SQL Server 2005 Can't change the currente collate of my database Can't copy the result of a query? Can't declare table parameter as input...
Linq.SqlClient Namespace System.Data.Services.Client Namespace System.Data.Services.Common Namespace System.Diagnostics Namespace System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis Namespace System.Diagnostics.Contracts Namespace System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Internal Namespace System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore Namespace S...
dota_hud_flip true cl, a, per_user Hud layout with minimap on the right dota_hud_force_killcam cl dota_hud_force_query cl, cheat Left clicking a unit will force query selection to that unit. dota_hud_force_rank_wagering cl, cheat dota_hud_force_wagering cl, cheat dota_hud_...
由于默认文件组的特殊作用,所以在创建数据库对象时,即使不指定用户文件组,SQL Server也能照常执行。 1.使用Transact-SQL语句建立数据库 CREATE DATABASE 语句的语法格式为: CREATEDATABASEdatabase_name [ON [PRIMARY] [<filespec> [, n]] [, <filegroup> [, ...