本文介绍TSQL语法和功能。 TSQL支持如下的数据类型 类型含义合法值 Boolean布尔值。True或者False SMALLINT2个字节表示的有符合的整数类型。范围从-32,768到32,767 INTEGER or INT4个字节表示的有符号的整数类型。范围从-2,147,483,648到2,147,483,647 ...
四个“监视”窗口中的表达式并不仅限于列出变量的标识符。可以通过指定 Transact-SQL 表达式计算出单个值(如向变量添加数字),或使用 SELECT 语句计算出单个值。 示例包括: 变量名称,如 @IntegerCounter。 变量的算术运算,如 @IntegerCounter + 1。 两个字符变量的字符串运算,如 @FirstName + @LastName。
NTILE(integer_expression)OVER([<partition_by_clause>]<order_by_clause>)--结果集分区内行的序列号,每个分区的第一行从1开始ROW_NUMBER()OVER([<partition_by_clause>]<order_by_clause>) 代码语言:javascript 复制 SELECTp.FirstName,p.LastName,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDERBYa.PostalCode)AS'Row Number',RANK...
openWith.ContainsKey("doc")) { Console.WriteLine("Key \"doc\" is not found."); } } } /* This code example produces the following output: An element with Key = "txt" already exists. For key = "rtf", value = wordpad.exe. For key = "rtf", value = winword.exe. Key = "tif"...
A constant integer expression used by SQL Server to generate a random number. repeat_seed is bigint. If repeat_seed isn't specified, SQL Server assigns a value at random. For a specific repeat_seed value, the sampling result is always the same if no changes have been applied to the tabl...
TSql100Parser(Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the TSql100Parser class. Properties 展开表 QuotedIdentifier Indicates whether quoted identifier is enabled for the parser. (Inherited from TSqlParser) Methods 展开表 Create(SqlVersion, Boolean) Creates a TSqlParser for the specified...
IsFixedSize 取得值,這個值表示 IDictionary<TKey,TValue> 是否有固定大小。 IDictionary.IsReadOnly 取得值,這個值表示 IDictionary<TKey,TValue> 是否為唯讀。 IDictionary.Item[Object] 取得或設定與指定索引鍵相關聯的值。 IDictionary.Keys 取得包含 IDictionary<TKey,TValue>索引鍵的 ICollection。
SPACE(integer) 参数: 返回值: 注意: REPLACE# 说明:用一个字符串替换指定字符串 REPLACE(expression, search_pattern, replacement_string) REVERSE# 说明:反转字符串 REVERSE(expression) SUBSTRING# 说明:截取指定长度的字符串 SUBSTRING(expression, start_location, length) ...
At the moment, the extension only supports double precision values, but it should not be very difficult to extend it to other numeric types (both integer and/or floating point, including numeric). Ultimately, it could support any data type with a concept of ordering and mean....