IFEXISTS(SELECT*FROMsys.databasesWHEREname='tempdb')BEGINDROPTABLE#temp;END 示例 以下是一个使用 TSQL-CLR 存储过程创建临时表并插入数据的示例: 代码语言:sql 复制 CREATETABLE#temp (idINTPRIMARYKEY,nameVARCHAR(255),ageINT);INSERTINTO#temp (id, name, age)SELECTid,name,ageFROMmy_table;SELECTid,nam...
9DROPTABLE#tmp 另一个跟帖的老外提出了另一种方案(仔细一看,和我实现的道理相似,呵呵,高兴ing):You could also just use xp_cmdshell 'dir blah/blah/blah.blah' and insert into the temp table like Tim is doing. You then just test the results of the temp table.Then if they drop or change th...
28select@@VERSIONasw--返回SQL服务器安装的日期、版本和处理器类型。 再来看看针对MSSQL的备份语句 View Code 1--查询文件是否存在2CREATETABLE#tmp ([File Exists]BIT,[File is a Directory]BIT,[Parent Directory Exists]BIT)3INSERTINTO#tmp ([File Exists],[File is a Directory],[Parent Directory Exists...
正如之前所提到的T-SQL支持两种模式来处理隔离,一种是锁,这是一种"悲观式并发",在默认的READ COMMITED隔离级别下,一旦一个事务中修改数据,那么这个将不能被其他事务读取,因为会给该数据加上排它锁,而当读取数据时获取共享锁,其他事务可以并行读取;另一种是行版本控制技术,是一种"乐观式并发",其默认的隔离级别...
一、编写T-SQL程序,计算 1 + 2 − 3 + 4 − 5 … − 99 + 100 =? T-SQL程序代码 declare @i int,@j int,@sum int,@str varchar(500),@temp int select @i=2,@j=-1,@sum=1,@str='1' while(@i<=100) begin set @temp=power(@j,@i)*@i set @sum = @sum+@temp if(@te...
Terrible BUG I have a Stored Procedure with 2 Temp Tables. I only get this for ONE of them !?! (The one that I initially forgot to preceed with a DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS semrel_temp; ) But even with he DROP I continually get this error. Bug needs to be PRIORITY. ...
return item.PartNumber; } protected override void InsertItem(int index, OrderItem newItem) { base.InsertItem(index, newItem); EventHandler<SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs> temp = Changed; if (temp != null) { temp(this, new SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs( ChangeType.Added, newItem, null)); } } ...
{ book.Title = p.Value; } else if (p.Name.ToString().ToLower() == "genre") { book.Genre = p.Value; } else if (p.Name.ToString().ToLower() == "price") { book.Price = Convert.ToDouble(p.Value); } else if (p.Name.ToString().ToLower() == "publish_date") { book....
数据表temp(a int.b int.t date)涉及3条 SQL 如下。 SELECT* FROM temp WHERE a=1 AND b=l ; SELECT * FROM temp WHERE b=1 ; SELECT* FROM temp WHERE b=1 ORDER BY t DESC ; 现为该表只创建一个索引,如何创建性能最优()。 A. idx_ab(a,b)