T-sql For in loop 变量循环语句 For 变量 in 循环开始的值 .. 循环结束的值(小于该值) Loop --做处理的语句 End Loop 例子: ---循环找出供应商 for i in 0 .. vendor_Total loop-- i 和 vendor_Total 在存储过程头部定义,vendor_Total 在循环之前已经赋值 if i = vendor_Total then str_vendor ...
语法如下:FOR loop index IN [REVERSE] lowest number ..highest number LOOP executable statement(s)END LOOP;
T-sql游标遍历取数的两种方式 一、Open 游标变量 Loop Fetch 游标变量 Into 行变量; Exit When (游标变量 %NOFOUND) --做处理的语句 End Loop; 二、For 行变量 in 游标变量 Loop --处理的语句 End Loop 【分析】两种方法都能正确遍历所有查询到的记录,不过有小小的区别。方法一遍历完数据之后还会进去循环体...
构造一个可以重复运行在那些文件上的命令就是一种方法。在编程术语中,这被称作执行控制,for 循环就是...
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Replace cursors in Synapse SQL Next steps This article provides you with essential tips for using T-SQL loops, replacing cursors, and developing related solutions with Synapse SQL. Purpose of WHILE loops Synapse SQL supports theWHILEloop for repeatedly executing statement blocks. This WHILE loop cont...
Can I change the prefix of the table names in my SQL Server database? Can I get data from sqldatasource with codebehind? Can we create overloaded stored procedures? Can you change command timeout via the connection string? Can you do a FOR EACH loop in T-Sql? Maybe in a stored ...
Dynamically Execute T-SQL Creating Stored Procedures Conclusion Some time ago, we began development on a rather large n-tier client/server project. During the initial planning, we decided to require a set methodology for accessing the numerous tables in the database. Four base stored procedures wo...
SQL Server optionUseComments FORWARD_ONLY Defining thatFETCH NEXTis the only supported fetching option. UsingFOR LOOPmight be a relevant solution for this option. STATIC Cursor will make a temporary copy of the data. For small data sets temporary tables can be cr...
1、使用ExecuteStoreQuery<T> :通过sql查询返回object实体,有有许多需要注意: 1.sql = "select * fr...