[<table_constraint>]表示表约束,即对什么数据能够插入到表中进行限制,与列约束不同的是表约束可以基于一个以上的列。 [ON]指定创建表时把表放置在哪个文件组上。 [TEXTIMAGE_ON]把表非常特殊的部分移到另一个不同的文件组上。当表定义中有text,ntext,image列时,子句才可用。 一个例子: USEAccounting CREATE...
FILENAME='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\AccountingLog.ldf', SIZE=5MB, MAXSIZE=25MB, FILEGROWTH=5MB ) 二、CREATE TABLE 创建表的具体语法: CREATETABLE Customers 详细语法: CREATETABLE[database_name.[owner].]table_name (<column name><data type>[[DEFAULT...
You also can disable encryption on the database. Native backups taken on a SQL Managed Instance can be restored to a SQL Server 2022 instance only. This is because SQL Managed Instance has higher internal database version compared to other versions of SQL Server. For more information, revie...
适用于: SQL Server Azure SQL 数据库 Azure Synapse Analytics 分析平台系统 (PDW)除了少数例外情况,可以使用任何 Transact-SQL 查询或 DML 操作(选择、插入、更新或删除)、即席批处理和 SQL 模块(如存储过程、表值函数、触发器和视图)来访问内存优化表。解释...
only supported for top-level objects, with certain objects such as theDatabaseOptionsand inline constraints not supporting AST generation even though they are top level types. If it's unknown whether the object is capable of being scripted then theTryGetAst(TSqlScript)method should be used ...
1、ON ON用于两个地方:一是定义存储数据的文件位置,二是定义存储日志的文件位置。PRIMARY意味着随后是存储数据的主文件组。也可以将数据存储在所谓的附属文件组里。 SQL Server允许将数据库存储在多个文件中,而且允许将这些文件放在一个逻辑组里面,称为文件组 ...
The INSERT INTO T-SQL statement syntax that is used to insert a single row into a SQL Server database table or view is like: INSERT INTO table (column1, column2, … ) VALUES (expression1, expression2, …); And the INSERT INTO statement syntax that is used to insert multiple rows...
usingMicrosoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom;namespaceAzure.Samples{classProgram{staticintMain(string[]args){// get file path from userConsole.WriteLine("Enter SQL file path:");string?filePath=Console.ReadLine();while(filePath==null){filePath=Console.ReadLine();}using(S...
Check constraints or partition function of source table ALTER TABLE with variable TableName ALTER vs UPDATE when creating a new column with default value. Alternate queries for MERGE Alternative for OR in WHERE clause Alternative for PIVOT Alternative of CURSOR in SQL to improve performance ?
cl_script_trace_disable_key cl, cheat Turn off a particular trace output by table/instance cl_script_trace_enable cl, cheat Turn on a particular trace output by file or function name cl_script_trace_enable_all cl, cheat Turn on all trace output cl_script_trace_enable_key cl, cheat...