T-SQL CREATE TABLE ExamplesHere are various code examples for creating a table with Transact-SQL (T-SQL).The following code creates a table called Artists in the Music database. The table has 3 columns called ArtistId, ArtistName, and ActiveFrom, each with a different data type....
NAME='Accounting',--数据库名称FILENAME='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\AccountingData.mdf',--数据库文件位置SIZE=10, --大小 10MMAXSIZE=50,--最大大小 50MFILEGROWTH=5--每次增加 5M)LOGON( NAME='AccountingLog', FILENAME='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL...
–1. IDENTIY 列不能为空,不能设默认值,创建后不能使用ALTER TABLE TableName ALTER COLUMN修改,每张表只能有一个自增列 –2. 查看当前值:SELECT IDENT_CURRENT(‘TableName’), — 查看增量值:SELECT IDENT_INCR(‘TableName’) — 查看原始种子值:SELECT IDENT_SEED(‘TableName’),起始值, TRUNCATE TAB...
CREATETABLE[database_name.[owner].]table_name ( <columnname><data type> [[DEFAULT <constant expression>]|[IDENTITY [(seed, increment) [NOT FOR REPLICATION]]] [ROWGUIDCOL] [COLLATE <collation name>] {[NULL|NOT NULL]|[PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE]} [FOREIGN KEY ( column [ , n])REFERENCESref...
在T-SQL(Transact-SQL)中,Create Id列通常用于记录创建某个对象(如表、视图、存储过程等)的用户标识符。这个列可以帮助追踪谁创建了数据库中的特定对象,从而在需要时进行审计或责任归属。 相关优势 审计和合规性:通过Create Id列,可以轻松地追踪和验证数据库对象的创建者,这对于满足合规性要求和内部审计非常有用...
在SQL Server企业管理器中新建一个查询,并确保服务器里有一个原封不动的TSQL2012数据库的副本。在这个练习中,你创建了一个额外的表,并把它放入TSQL2012数据库。 CREATE the table with one column. Execute the following statements in order to create your copy of the original table, but just one column...
SQL Server System Tables and Views In order to create these design-time stored procedures, we must know how to extract the table's column definition information from the SQL Server system tables and Information Schema views. First, we need to find the columns themselves, and then find out whi... S051, Create table of type S071, SQL paths in function and type name resolution S081, Subtables S091, Basic array support S091-01, Arrays of built-in data types S091-02, Arrays of distinct types S091-03, ...
AS IDENTITY [ <left paren> <common sequence generator options> <right paren> ] ... Conformance Rules Without Feature T174, "Identity columns", conforming SQL language shall not contain an <identity column specification>. Subclause 11.12, "<alter column definition>": <alter column definition> ...
進階設計 階層式資料 JSON 序號 空間資料 XML 資料 Filestream FileTable 載入資料 BCP 匯入一般檔案精靈 匯入和匯出精靈 複寫 SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 查詢 全文檢索搜尋 聯結 指令碼 子查詢 同義字 使用者定義的函式 管理 商務持續性 Always On 可用性群組 Always ...