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近日,这一重磅合作终于再度释出新线索,Tyler,The Creator x Supreme 的全新合作 T 恤,终于在社媒平台率先曝光。本次最先曝光的合作款 T 恤为一件相片 Tee,正面照片采用了已曝光数日的 Tyler,The Creator 为 Supreme 拍摄的最新宣传照;T 恤大身则采用了极为亮眼醒目的玫红色作为通体色调,明艳花俏的色彩十分有...
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Tyler, the Creator previewed a new piece of Golf Wang merch yesterday. The white T-shirt features an image of Donald Trump, titled "President Of The United States," with the years of his projected presidency and the phrase, "We Fucked Up." On Trump's upper lip is a small moustache...
Supreme 于上周释出的 Tyler, the Creator 形象照引起热议,今番官方正式发布 2024 秋冬系列。Supreme 本季丰富的新品阵容中内涵多样夹克、外套、运动衫、上衣、T-Shirt、裤子、帽子、包包与配件等,除了长期合作伙伴 Schott NYC、Vanson、b.b. simon,还能看到洛杉矶传奇涂鸦及纹身艺术家 Mister Cartoon 的原创艺术作品...
T宝Tyler The Creator 把头像换成了A$AP Rocky在音乐节跳入人群中的糗样 û收藏 12 26 ñ370 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 微博音乐博主 Ü 简介: 微博商务合作WX:hip-hop666666 更多a 微关系 他的关注(392) LiveMusic现场 ...
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While his style is pretty out-there, Tyler the Creator actually toned things down in 2019. He’s gone big on knitwear, with cardigans and sleeveless sweaters featuring heavily. There was of course his pastel-laden collaboration with Lacoste, one of the highlights being the pink mohair-style ca...
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