Easy to view all sides of the chosen T-shirt on a single screen. Ability to change T-shirt color without any hassle Enable adding text on T-shirt Easily add Name and Number on T-shirt Allow customers to add clipart on T-shirt Enable customer to add image and draw the shape on T-sh...
How to create food art t-shirt designs To jump on the food art trend, experiment with designs featuring painterly sardine tin prints and hand-drawn wavy stripes to evoke those European vibes. This combination of bright colors and vintage looks is expected to be a big influence on apparel desi...
Embed this Art into your website: 1. Select a size, 2. Copy the HTML from the code box, 3. Paste the HTML into your website.Small Medium Large <!-- Size: 140 px -- >Derivatives & Responsesblack template sunny 2ny sumilang shirtMore Shared By: OCAL 03-26-2008 Rating: Click...
Then choose Outline Trace > Clipart. Because the baseball image is large, a dialog box will pop up suggesting you reduce the size, so click on the Reduce Bitmap button.The PowerTRACE window will open and you will see the top image is the original bitmap and the bottom is the trace ...
Customize the product with clipart, text, Shape and uploaded image/artwork etc.a Change product view/sides for customize (select from available sides view for the product)a Size Information (View size info table for the selected product) Product Zoom option Add additional instruction or comments ...
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