Google Chrome's unblocked offline game about dinosaur T-rex running through the desert, jumping over cactuses and dodging pterodactyls.
跳跃的恐龙小游戏首次出现在名为 Canary 的流行浏览器 Google Chrome 版本中。 当您的 PC 或其他设备上没有互联网时,打开带有此离线娱乐的页面。 在页面上,流行的恐龙 T-Rex 只是站着不动。 这将一直持续到您单击“空格”按钮之前。 之后恐龙将开始奔跑和跳跃。 因此,并非所有用户都知道这款迷人的游戏。 这是...
谷歌小恐龙是一款休闲跑酷游戏,游戏玩法非常简单易懂,开局需要注意节奏适应场景赛跑速度,让你的小恐龙更有优势地赛跑,利用道具确保跨越障碍物。考验玩家的反应能力非常有趣。各种规律对你会有大量的帮助,体验跑酷新玩法,喜欢的小伙伴快来下载试试吧! 谷歌小恐龙亮点 1、一款可爱的恐龙跳跃游戏,在里面玩家们能够扮演可...
T-Rex Dinosaur - a replica of the hidden game from Chrome offline mode. Press Space to start the game online and jump your Dino, use down arrow (↓) to duck.5 highest scores of the day: fufufafa 4942 Anonym 4588 PIna 2721 hjz 2415 ducky 2282 Top 5 of all time: Anonym911 199641...
Play Google Dino online without going offline in Google Chrome. The game is about a T-Rex dinosaur running through the desert and jumping over cacti.
After the start of the game, T-Rex will start to run. To jump over cactus you need to click on the "space" again. The speed of the dino game will gradually increase, and cacti will be more difficult to jump over. When you score 400 points, flying dinosaurs - pterodactyls - will ...
Chrome's T-Rex dinosaur game to run in any browser online or offline. Jumping trex over cactuses and dodge pterodactyls
Play Google Dino online without going offline in Google Chrome. The game is about a T-Rex dinosaur running through the desert and jumping over cacti.
The original game was developed bySebastien Gabriel. The pixel style refers to the old error illustration associated with Google. The game has also been referred to as Project Bolan in the past, mainly because of Marc Bolan of T-Rex, a rock band from the ‘70s. ...
Play Online and Play Offline. Everywhere Today, you don’t have to disconnect from the Internet to play theT-Rex game. All you need to do is type “chrome://dino” in the browser address and you’ll soon see the game in a full window! Play on!