and put the nail in the coffin of the "hunter T-rex theory". The Velociraptor's teeth which like stake knifes: sharp, razor-edged, and capable of tearing through flesh with ease. The T-rex's teeth were huge, sharp at their tip, but blunt, propelled by enormous jaw...
He also studied the fossil teeth of the T-rex, and compared them with the teeth of the Velociraptor, and put the nail in the coffin of the “hunter T-rex theory”. The Velociraptor’s teeth which like stake knives: sharp, razor-edged, and capable of tearing through flesh with ease. T...
题目: T-rex: Hunter or Scavenger? 题号:旧题 题型:判断+填空+匹配 Passage 2: 题目:感官 题号:新题 题型:判断+填空+匹配 Passage 3: 题目:新题 题名:painting and cinema 题型:选标题+匹配+选择 小贵贵将在考后及时发布相关考试真题,敬请关注... 更多雅思资讯,请关注学为贵教育官网!届时,小贵贵将为...