but I admit I cheered and cried at every single one. Bringing back old heroes is always a risk, but Shulk and Rex are perfectly realised, having grown into wise mentors
● Expanding Fruit and Vegetable Exports To further increase exports of fruit and vegetable products to China, South Korea, and Japan, a comprehensive “Road Map” project has been developed. This project, awaiting approval from the Government Commission on Investment Attraction, Industry Development, ...
The “Ceaușescu” House, nestled in Bucharest, Romania, is a captivating museum offering insight into the opulent lifestyle of Romania’s former communist leader, Nicolae Ceaușescu, and his wife, Elena. Once their private mansion, this historic residence showcases luxurious furnishings, extr...
Municipal Tourism Officer Rex T. Arao (center) with members of national media The unique indigenous pottery traditions of the Madweng inan Ybanag community showcase the Ybanag(orIbanag)culture as a whole. Their pottery products differ from other ethnographic people with the way they make this ...
Oranges, Grapefruit, Tangerines, and Tangelos Grown in Florida; Revising Reporting Requirements and New Information CollectionRex A. Barnes
Everyone knows what apples and oranges are, and they could give any number of reasons why one is not the other. Yet when it comes to science fiction and fantasy, most people can only say, “they’re fruit”. As if that’s all that matters. Of course it isn’t. Otherwise everyone wo...