产品线T-REx™ 数量3 x 10^6 个细胞 Unit SizeEach 内容与储存 1 x 107个细胞以 1 mL 90% 完全培养基和 10% DMSO 形式冷冻供应。储存于液氮中。妥善储存时,可保证细胞稳定储存 6 个月。 图表 Figure 1 文件和下载 证书 搜索 显示0 条结果, 在上面搜索特定证书 ...
使用 T-REx™ 系统可以节省大量的时间和精力。通过使用阳性对照载体 pcDNA™4⁄TO⁄lacZ 进行瞬时转染,对 T-REx™ 细胞系进行功能检测。在用四环素诱导时,T-REx™ 细胞系在抑制状态下表现出极低的基础表达水平,表达水平较高(图 1)。 仅供科研使用。不可用于诊断程序。 规格 细胞系T-REx™-293 ...
T-Rex Zord$10.00 Add to Cart Quantity subtract add Related ProductsMighty Morphin Power Rangers Enamel Pin Dragonzord $10.00 Add Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Enamel Pin Megazord $10.00 Add Featuring original art by Ben Newman. Just over 1” in height and packaged on a round die-cut backin...
Fisher-Price Imaginext Jurassic World T. rex Dinosaur Toy with Owen Grady Figure, Light-Up Eyes & Chomping Action for Ages 3+ Years, 7-Piece Set (Amazon Exclusive) 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 侏罗纪公园 霸王龙玩偶 $28.74
Building an Action or Connector API App If you are building an Action/Connector API App, T-Rex helps you make sure your actions look pretty within the Logic Apps designer, and within the generated swagger metadata. It does this through a set of custom .NET attributes. ...
The Discovery Museum of Idaho currently has SUE, the most complete best preserved Tyrannosaurus rex ever found. If you have kiddos of any age who have shown interest in Dinosaurs this is a must visit before it disappears on September 4th. See T-Rex SUE at Discovery Museum of Idaho Before...
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首先是T-800骨架 骨架高约16厘米,根据官图信息描述将分为豪华版和普通版,豪华版骨架附送两把等离子步枪和一个发光地台(含头骨),普通版嘛···应该就只有孓然一架~ 附官网信息: TWELFTH SCALE SUPREME ACTION FIGURE (TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY – ENDOSKELETON) PRODUCT DETAILS:-Approximately 16cm in height...
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the cool kids of the ’80s, you probably watched "Knight Rider" religiously on Friday nights and more than likely owned theKnight Rider Knight 2000 Voice Car created by Kenner. The car was outfitted with a vintage blue California license plate and came with a Michael Knight action figure. ...