pin 码和puk 码应该在装SIM卡的那个封套上,有一张胶纸的,撕开就看到了 2009-3-15 13:40:17 anni Sim 卡上是粘着胶纸,可是那两串数字太长了,分别是20位 和 19位,就是最近刚签的这种1欧150分钟的优惠合同,很怪啊,急着用,真着急 2009-3-15 15:26:44 devil PIN输错了3次? 那你直接去T-MOBILE解锁...
卡片上有pin及puk碼,作為插卡時的密碼及解鎖碼,由於pin碼及puk無法透過第三方查詢,請妥善保管至旅程結束再進行丟棄。 收到卡片請先在台灣插卡測試,訊號如顯示「無服務」以外的字樣,如:無sim, 無顯示任何字樣,請儘速與客服聯繫。 30日(含)以上天數的商品若於2月份開通,使用天數為該年2月份之天數。 需開卡商品為...
Restoring anano SIMcard that has been locked out If you enter the wrong PIN more times than the maximum number of attempts allowed, the card will become “PUK-locked.” You need a Pin Unlock Key (PUK) code to restore access toHTC U11 life. ContactT-Mobilefor this code. ...
Be advised, however, that if you forget your SIM PIN and enter the wrong PIN too many times, you may end up having to contact your wireless carrier to obtain a special “personal unlocking key” (PUK). At the very least, if you haven’t already done so please take a moment to p...
puk lock samsung t-mobile Replies: 2 Forum: Samsung Galaxy A54 5G Thread Question [SOLVED] T-Mobile SIM Unlock Hello everyone. Hope you are all having a fantastic day. I got my Pixel 8 Pro on a promotion and am currently receiving monthly billing credits for my device. I have been...
Unlock PIN code (PUK) (when PIN is entered wrong 3 times) **05*PUK*NewPIN*NewPIN#© Unlock PIN2 code (PUK2)**052*PUK2*NewPIN2*NewPIN2#© Activate PIN code (works on some Sony models) *09*PIN#© Deactivate PIN code (works on some Sony models) #09*PIN#© ...
Hi my name is billy can i have a puk code to unblock my cellphone Reply Lydia says: May 29, 2013 at 3:40 pm Hi, problem is similar to Bill’s. how do I get the PUK code to unlock my phone. This is extremely urgent please. Reply Trudy Weston says: June 1, 2013 at 12...
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