If the returned ID is greater than the ID of the latest received message, the client knows that the topic has unread messages and their count. The client may fetch these messages using {get what="data"} message. The client may also paginate history retrieval by using message IDs. User ...
If you receive the error message of "Pri Master Hard Disk: S.M.A.R.T Status BAD, Backup and Replace Press F1 to Resume" when switching on your computer, it indicates that something wrong with the hard drive happens.The SMART status bad is a hard drive error, which means that the ...
Recovering deleted Messenger messagescan be a complex and rare process. It’s crucial to exercise caution when deleting messages, as retrieval is only possible under specific circumstances, such as: Legal Proceedings: If you find yourself in a legal situation where deleted messages are crucial eviden...
"type": "string" }, { "name": "repo", "in": "path", "description": "Name of the repository", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { "name": "hook_Id", "in": "path", "description": "ID of the Hook being deleted", "required": true, "type": "string" } ] } },...
How to print text on the last page i.e, like a report footer in RDLC file. How to redisplay a category-axis on a column chart after it has been deleted. How to reduce blank space around chart area? How to Remove - (Minus) Symblos before values How to remove background or how to...
( msgid INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, msgdata VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL ) WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN BEGIN TRAN WAITFOR ( DELETE FROM MsgQueue WITH (READPAST) OUTPUT DELETED.* INTO @MyQueue ) PRINT 'Processing messages ...' SELECT * FROM @MyQueue -- Message processing goes here DELETE FROM @My...
( msgid INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, msgdata VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL ) WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN BEGIN TRAN WAITFOR ( DELETE FROM MsgQueue WITH (READPAST) OUTPUT DELETED.* INTO @MyQueue ) PRINT 'Processing messages ...' SELECT * FROM @MyQueue -- Message processing goes here DELETE FROM @My...
Your Android phone givesyou the ability to send and receive multimedia messages. ... Such a message ceases to be a mere text message and becomes a multimedia message. Multimedia messages are handled by the same app you use for text messaging. Not every mobile phone can receive multimedia mess...
If the returned ID is greater than the ID of the latest received message, the client knows that the topic has unread messages and their count. The client may fetch these messages using {get what="data"} message. The client may also paginate history retrieval by using message IDs. User ...