According to a disclosure document T-Mobile filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, the company believes the bad actor first gained access to customer information around November 25, 2022. T-Mobile discovered the breach on January 5, 2023. Within 24 hours, the company traced the s...
July 27, 2022 Tech T-Mobile to pay $350 million to customers due to data breach BYThe Associated Press July 24, 2022 Tech T-Mobile CEO says hacker used special tools and brute force to steal user data BYScott MoritzandBloomberg August 27, 2021 ...
Inc. relating to a data breach that T-Mobile announced on August 16, 2021. Preliminary Approval of the Proposed Settlement was granted on July 26, 2022. Final Approval was granted on June 29, 2023. If you are a Settlement Class Member, there are benefits available to you from...
T-Mobile’s latest “Uncarrier” move may actually cost you more money T-Mobile The move will force current subscribers to newer and more expensive plans starting in November unless they opt-out. By Timi Cantisano Oct 12, 2023 T-Mobile suffered another massive data breach that compromis... ...
T-Mobile's giving away MLS Season Pass to subscribers for free starting on February 21 You can claim your free year of MLS Season Pass through the T-Mobile Tuesday app starting on February 21 By Timi Cantisano Feb 16, 2023 T-Mobile suffered another massive data breach that compromised...
近日,T-Mobile 被爆出存在 API 安全漏洞,攻击者利用该漏洞窃取了多达3700 万客户个人身份信息(PII) 。据 T-Mobile 内部消息,此次攻击从2022年 11 月开始,直到 2023年 1 月才被内部安全团队发现。这是自2018年以来,第8次因存在 API 安全漏洞导致的 T-Mobile 信息泄露事件。
T-Mobilesaid the settlement contains no admission of liability, wrongdoing or responsibility by any of the defendants. The company said that it expects court approval of the terms of the settlement as early as December 2022. Nearly 80 million U.S. residents were affected by the breach. In add...
这也不是T-Mobile第一次发生数据泄露事件了,2018年至今,T-Mobile遭受了至少三起数据泄露事件,其中2018年的数据泄露事件暴露了客户信息,2019年是预付费用户数据泄露,2020年3约暴露了客户和金融数据。 本文翻译自:
向日葵远程命令执行出现漏洞,你还在用向日葵远程办公吗 数据安全 远程办公软件向日葵远程命令执行出现漏洞。 Decenta 162062围观2022-02-17 PayBito 加密货币交易所遭受网络攻击,大量数据信息被盗 资讯 LockBit勒索软件团伙称从PayBito加密货币交易所窃取了大量客户数据。 小王斯基 169536围观2022-02-07...