1、打开你的prepaid esim软件根据提示填入邮箱-美国的地址-选择10美元的套餐-接受协议-填写信用卡信息-设置PIN(手机卡密码)-安装并添加esim卡号,至此申请卡号成功 5楼2022-09-07 23:14 收起回复 duanchangxin 颇具名气 6 6楼2022-09-07 23:16 回复 duan...
去年由于t-mobile 套餐客户换号太多,所以中国一直无法激活。 近日虚拟号重新尝试激活了一张T-mobile的15刀预付套餐,目前这个套餐暂时恢复可以开 T-mobile开通是一个号码+PIN(注册T-mobile账户的关键,后续到官网充值、查询或更改套餐、换号码改esim都需要PIN) T-mobile prepaid 15$ + PIN T-mobile预付套餐在中国只...
- 在美国区App Store下载 T-Mobile Prepaid eSIM 应用- 输入邮箱(我用的gmail,其它邮箱自行尝试)——输入邮编 99501(其它洲的应该也行 不影响),然后选择最低限价15美元的套餐,使用Visa卡付款。 然后付款(我用的visa),付款成功后,按提示安装esim,一路点确认就行,没啥难度,其间会让你设置pin, 记好你的pin2....
Although you can use your phone number for most tasks, you may need your account number. You can find your account number in several places.
For 850,000 active T-Mobile prepaid customers, it gets worse. T-Mobile says their phone numbers and account PINs were also exposed. T-Mobile says it has already reset all the PINs on the accounts, and it will be notifying them "right away." It's worth noting that no Metro by T-...
1.联系Ultra Mobile人工客服,获取号码转出的Account和PIN 打开Ultra Mobile的登录网页https://my.ultramobile.com/login,点右下角聊天图标就可以打开联系人工客服,人工客服上班时间大概在北京时间晚上9点到第二天早上9点。如果需要联系,提前安排好时间。 打开聊天框以后,填写名字、邮箱和电话号码。
e-PIN Top Up is the most flexible option for adding a plan or minutes to your mobile account. You will receive an email with redemption instructions and an electronic PIN upon purchase. Use at your convenience or as a gift. T-Mobile Prepaid gives you the network and benefits you want....
T-Mobile Prepaid $60 e-PIN Top Up (Email Delivery)4.1 stars out of 83 reviews (4.1)|83 ratingsOptions Direct Top Up Funds will be added to your existing mobile account. e-PIN Top Up Receive a PIN through email to start service at anytime or give as gift....
Bitrefill's T-Mobile refill lets you top up your T-mobile prepaid minutes and data with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Dogecoin, and Litecoin. 🇺🇸这个礼品卡只能在 USA使用 This product is a PIN number which must be added to your T-Mobile Prepaid device. ...
Bitrefill's T-Mobile refill lets you top up your T-mobile prepaid minutes and data with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Dogecoin, and Litecoin. 🇺🇸 This gift card may only work in USA This product is a PIN number which must be added to your T-Mobile Prepaid device. ...