T-Mobile 5G Home Internet is a simple, affordable way to get high-speed, dependable internet—no contracts, no hidden fees. Choose the perfect package for your home Save $15 with Any Voice Line Rely Home Internet $ 50/mo with AutoPay, taxes and fees included. ...
T-Mobile 5G Home Internet is a simple, affordable way to get high-speed, dependable internet—no contracts, no hidden fees. Choose the perfect package for your home Save $15 with Any Voice Line Rely Home Internet $ 50/mo with AutoPay, taxes and fees included. ...
T-Mobile 5G Home Internet(可移动家用Wi-Fi)为你提供前所未有的高速体验。无论你在客厅、卧室还是阳台,都能享受到与光纤网络相媲美的速度,让等待成为过去,让连接变得即刻可用。🌍 无论你身在何处,只要有T-Mobile网络覆盖,就能享受到高质量的网络连接。无论是出差在外还是留学海外,一个设备就能让你与家人朋友...
在实践中,T-Mobile Home Internet 与来自基于电缆的家庭 ISP 的服务相同。 Amazon Prime Video、Disney+ 和 Netflix 都以水晶般清晰的 4K HDR 格式流式传输到我的 Roku 电视。 我能够通过路由器使用 T-Mobile 和 Verizon 手机的 Wi-Fi 通话,但调制解调器不会 增强您的蜂窝信号 或影响您的直接蜂窝电话。 光...
美国电信运营商 T-Mobile 近日宣布启用一项全新的服务--Home Internet,通过该无线运营商的 5G 网络提供家庭网络宽带,用户通过配套的 iOS 应用提供家庭宽带接入和快速设置。该服务于本周三推出,超过 3000 万美国家庭有资格注册。图片来自于 T-Mobile 该服务只有 1 个选项,每月费用为 60 美元,没有任何附加税、...
Get reliable 5G home internet service. Try T-Mobile Home Internet for 15 days to see if it works for you—or get your money back. Expand your home internet coverage with Nest Wifi routers. No price hikes, no annual contracts, no credit checks, and no data caps. We’ll pay up to $...
T-Mobile 美国电信业者T-Mobile周三(4/7)发表了5G家用网络服务(T-Mobile Home Internet),该服务预计可支持已被5G网络覆盖的3,000万美国家户,宣称大多数用户可取得100 Mbps的平均速率,此一吃到饱方案的月租费为60美元(1,720元新台币)。目前美国约有1/4的家户无法存取高速宽带网络,而在剩下的4/3中...
T-Mobile 5G Home Internet customers see typical download speeds between 33-182 Mbps, which is enough speed for streaming video, surfing the web, working from home and most types of online gaming. Speeds can vary depending on location, signal strength and availability, time of day, and other ...
T-Mobile launched its Home Internet service that aims to use 5G as a broadband competitor to cable. The service also happens to be a handy home office option. At its latest Uncarrier event, T-Mobile outlined services designed to deliverthe growth targets outlined on its most recent in...
根据T-Mobile官网资料显示,T-Mobile 提供了一款名为T-Mobile Home Internet产品。该产品分为两种付款款式:使用自动付款则为$50/月,不使用自动付款则为$55/月,可试用T-Mobile家庭互联网15天。为突出差异化优势,做大5G FWA规模,T-Mobile表示对于同时订阅 Magenta Max计划的用户,FWA 服务的价格就从每月50美元降至...