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The company offers 5G for your phone when you're on the move and a5G broadband servicecalled 5G Home Internet, which brings5G's ultrafast speedsto your home. Metro, the company's prepaid brand, also offers 5G access. T-Mobile USA, Inc. What makes T-Mobile's 5G deployment different from...
A little over a year after its launch, T-Mobile's5Ghome internet service has been doing quite well. In April 2022, it reported overone million subscribers,and more recently, it launched itsInternet Freedomstrategy to make it even easier to shop for broadband home internet service. Best of a...
T-Mobile’s New 5G Offering for Homes If you need a speedy broadband internet service at home, T-Mobile would gladly sell you its new 5G home internet service---even if you're not an existing customer. In exchange for $60/month ($65/month with autopay), most customers will get pretty...
T-Mobile launched its Home Internet service that aims to use 5G as a broadband competitor to cable. The service also happens to be a handy home office option. At its latest Uncarrier event, T-Mobile outlined services designed to deliverthe growth targets outlined on its most recent in...
The plans are mostly intended for people and buisnesses that need to keep faster land-based internet, but also have a seamless 5G backup solution when that goes down. T-Mobile's announcement mentions an independent analysis of broadband measurements recorded nationwide from June to October 2023 an...
I approached my hands-on with the T-Mobile High Speed Internet Gateway (5G21-12W-A) from what now is a very timely perspective—breaking the stranglehold cable providers have on American consumers. The Biden administration is already taking aim at broadband monopolies, but it will be up to ...
More significantly, for locations within T-Mobile’s unlimited broadband coverage, businesses will pay the same prices as consumers — $50 per month. Unlike traditional internet providers such as Comcast, T-Mobile isn’t marking up its 5G fixed wireless services just because they’re being used ...
In what could be the bigger deal for many parts of this country, T-Mobile officially launched its T-Home Home Internet today. After first firing up T-Mobile Home Internet back in 2019 and then expanding a couple of times, T-Mobile’s at-home broadband service is now available to around...