T-Mobile USA, the fourth-largest cell phone operator in the U.S., is launching new service promotions in an effort to keep long-term customers and attract new ones. The company plans to offer a special $50 per month unlimited voice plan to longtime customers in San Francisco, initially. ...
除了真正无限的数据外,Unlimited Elite 已停止限制视频分辨率,并拥有 40GB 的热点配额,高于 30GB。 与所有主要运营商的无限计划一样,随着您添加更多线路,AT&T 的每条线路计划变得更便宜。 例如,如果您有四行,则第一行的 85 美元计划变为 50 美元/行。 “就像我们说的那样,强大的 T-Mobile 对客户来说是件好事。
3.T-Mobile Magenta Plus套餐-$50/月起 2台设备Netfix Standared订阅,HD高清,最低消费$50 20GB 4G LTE移动热点,无限时长机上WiFi 电话号码名称ID,语音信箱自动转短信 点此查看具体信息 4.T-Mobile Unlimited Age 55+套餐-$27.5/月起 更少的线路、价格,享受同样优质的服务,最低消费$27.5/月 无需绑定合约...
T-Mobile Unveils $50 European Data Plan for Business.The article offers brief information on the $50 per month unlimited mobile data plan from T-Mobile USA Inc. for business customers traveling to Europe.AlbanesiusChloePC Magazine
AT&T的Pay As You Go方案简单地多,就只有以下几种: $50 monthly Unlimited Plan:美国畅打及简讯无限,上网无限 $2 Daily Unlimited Plan:以天计费,有使用的当天才扣钱,没用就不扣钱,通话、简讯无限,上网5 KB收1¢ 通常,AT&T的收讯会比T-Mobile好一些。
Verizon无限流量套餐Unlimited Plan,包含美国境内无限电话和短信,该套餐包含的通话、短信及流量还可以在墨西哥和加拿大境内使用。单人基础套餐每月$70,如果和家人朋友一起加入Plan的话,4人线每月只需$35,超过五个人会更划算,只需要$30。无限流量套餐还赠送免费的Apple music和Disney+流媒体服务。
Go5G Plan Enjoy one of our most popular phone plans with amazing benefits, including free streaming perks, more hotspot data, and travel discounts. Plus, other great stuff like unlimited talk & text on America’s largest and fastest 5G network and no annual contract. ...
T-Mobile Essentials, the carrier's least expensive unlimited data plan, is getting a temporary discount to mark all of T-Mobile's other promotions. Normally $60 a month for one line, Essentials will now cost $50. The discounts also extend to multiple lines of T-Mobile Essentials, where a...
AT&T推出的Unlimited无限流量套餐有三个套餐等级,最基础的Unlimited Starter套餐$65/月起,4条线可降至$35/月/线,包含无限通话、短信和数据流量,在美国可向200+国家发送无限免费短信,在加拿大墨西哥境内也可以无限通话短信和网络(但可能只有2G网速),使用5G网络无须额外加钱,包含ActiveArmor安全服务可以拦截骚扰电话。
If you’re looking for the best price on an unlimited phone plan directly from a major carrier, T-Mobile’s Essentials Saver plan is hard to beat.Plus, if you’re shopping for four lines, you can get the same plan marketed as the “Essentials 4-Line Offer.” With this plan, each li...