type definition typed language typed pointer type expression typeface typeface attribute typeface name type fidelity type field effect type font type here type i error type iii cryptography type impression contr type information type information mode typeless programming typeless system type libraries type...
time expression time flies time for bed time for lunch time frame time is money time is of the essence time is running out time is up time lapse time limit time machine time management time management skills time of day time of the year time of year time off time out time passes time ...
“…a building exists not solely as a vehicle for the skills or expression of the architect but as an object with a function… This prevents the architect from developing what is usually the hallmark of an artist: a consistent personal style. Or, at least it should.” ...
The ideology of honour, respect, and emotion in Tagalog (1998). The ideology of honour, respect, and emotion in Tagalog. In A. Athanasiadou & E. Tabakowska (Eds.), Speaking of Emotions: Conceptualisation and Expression (pp. 331-356). Berline and New York: Mouton de Gruyter... G.B...