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12.2. After theAlapanathe performer takes up Taana (comparable toJor –Jhalain Hindustani Dhrupad and instrumental music). This involves boundless play on meaning-less syllables such asta, na, nom, tumortanam, etc.Taana is unique in the sense that with the rise in tempo, the performer improvis...
In recent years Myanmar has attained special eminence as the host for the Sixth Buddhist Council, held in Yangon (Rangoon) between 1954 and 1956, and as the source from which two of the major systems of Vipassana meditation have emanated out into the greater world: the tradition springing from...
Another possibility in graduate classes is that in addition to readings done by all students, each student may also be expected to work independently in some area of interest and later make a presentation that summarizes what her or she has learned. Usually each student then goes on to write ...