近日,信息工程学院教师唐蕾副教授以第一作者身份在交通运输国际顶级期刊《IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS》(T-ITS)上发表论文“Who Will Travel With Me? Personalized Ranking Using Attributed Network Embedding for Pooling”。论文...
《IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems》,简称T-ITS,是人工智能、智能运输系统、交通场景、运输科技等多个领域的顶尖国际期刊,其2021年度影响因子为6.492,属于中科院一区期刊,在JCR分区中的Automotive Engineering中排名第1,...
期刊投稿网址http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/t-its 收稿范围 The IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems covers fundamental and applied research on all scientific and technical aspects of modern transportation systems, including but not limited to sensing, communications, controls, planning, ...
期刊简介中科院分区JCR分区CiteScore其它数据发文统计投稿提示 Ieee Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems期刊简介 The theoretical, experimental and operational aspects of electrical and electronics engineering and information technologies as applied to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Intelligent Tr...
Transactions Of The Institute Of Measurement And Control期刊简介 Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control is a fully peer-reviewed international journal. The journal covers all areas of applications in instrumentation and control. Its scope encompasses cutting-edge research and development,...
类似的方法可以通过靶向18S或23S rRNA基因或rRNA操纵子的内转录间隔区(ITS)应用于真菌。 鸟枪法宏基因组学,通常称为宏基因组学,是通过对从混合微生物群落中提取的整个DNA样本进行测序,对微生物种群进行非靶向基因组分析。该方法包括对样本DNA进行片段化,然后制备测序文库,分析所得数据以提供关于整个微生物群落的分类...
The method of borehole three-component magnetic survey and its effective originally exploration The data-processing method of the borehole three-component magnetic survey mainly modeled ground magnetic survey method before,the magnetic survey material... TZ Chen,LI Wei-Hua,XU Sui-Qin,... - 《Prog...
(2024). Measuring the energy poverty premium in Great Britain and identifying its main drivers based on longitudinal household survey data Appendix A. Supplementary data【数据+R+Python】 Raza, S. A., et al. (2023). Forecasting the volatility of precious metals prices with global economic policy...