You'd almost rather have the other person in a dogfight than to have somebody who is morally good and their character is so defected that you don't know what they're gonna do from one moment to the next. 你几乎宁愿让对方缠斗,而不去找一个道德上很好的人,他们的性格是如此的变质,以至于你...
D. Jakes s a pastor(牧师) for more than 32 years, I have participated in many weddings and had the pleasure of counseling couples. I am a big fan of marriage - when it's right. But getting it right can be as difficult as baking a soufflé(蛋奶酥) in a wood-burning stove. E 2 ...
You'd almost rather have the other person in a dogfight than to have somebody who is morally good and their character is so defected that you don't know what they're gonna do from one moment to the next. 你几乎宁愿让对方缠斗,而不去找一个道德上很好的人,他们的性格是如此的变质,以至于你...
You'd almost rather have the other person in a dogfight than to have somebody who is morally good and their character is so defected that you don't know what they're gonna do from one moment to the next. 你几乎宁愿让对方缠斗,而不去找一个道德上很好的人,他们的性格是如此的变质,以至于你...