Introductiontert-amyl alcohol system name 2-methyl-2-butanol, colorless transparent liquid, slightly soluble in water, with water can form an azeotropic mixture, the boiling point of 87.4 deg C, and ethanol, ether, benzene, chloroform, glycerol and other miscible. As a chemical raw material, te...
表D.1 防护手套对不同有机溶剂防护效果 氟橡胶 天然橡胶 聚氯乙烯 腈 丁基橡胶 氯丁橡胶 乳胶 溶剂名 英文名称 (fluoro- (narural(polyvinyl (nitrite) (1atex) (buryl) (neoprene) elastomer) rubber)chloride) 乙醛 acetaldehyde G E E (; 丙酮 P P E G P G E 乙酸戊酯 amylacetate P P E F ...
tert amyl tertiary airflow tertiary butylhydroqu tertiary education qu tertiary mycelium tertiary road tertiary sector of in tertiary system top b tertiary wave teruriĜi terute teryl rothery terzaghi s consolidat tes terminal emulator tesa tape-single side tesco standard tescocom tesir teslin river...
tert-butylperoxyaceta tertaining tertianmalaria tertiary amyl tertiar tertiary category of tertiary education fu tertiary industryserv tertiary source tertiary tuberculosis tertiary-t tertiaryflotation tertiaryrisks terubuk teruel teruel and province teruko makino oran as teruo kurosaki tervuerenfaience terwas...