图1. a. 描述NOTCH1诱导的T - ALL小鼠模型的生成和PD-1-和PD-1+ T-ALL细胞白血病启动能力的定量示意图;b. PD-1-和PD-1+ T-ALL细胞移植后6周的代表性FACS图(n= 5只小鼠) 为了评估PD-1在T - ALL中的作用,该研究使用...
During activation, T cells undergo metabolic reprogramming, which imprints distinct functional fates. We determined that on PD-1 ligation, activated T cells are unable to engage in glycolysis or amino acid metabolism but have an increased rate of fatty acid β-oxidation (FAO). PD-1 promotes FAO...
anti-PD-1 treatment (NCT02631746(refs.5,6),NCT03075553(ref.7)). While all these clinical observations highlight the critical importance of inhibitory PD-1 signaling in T cell malignancies, the tumor-suppressive mechanisms of PD-1 remain unknown. In non-transformed T cells, acute PD-1 engagem...
所有受试者均患有晚期肝细胞癌,并且经过化疗、TACE(肝动脉化疗栓塞术)和靶向治疗均无效。9例可评估受试者中,4例达到部分缓解 (PR),3例达到疾病稳定 (SD),2例出现疾病进展 (PD),客观缓解率为44%,疾病控制率达到78%。 相关文章: ...
This study provided biological evidence that HnRNP L knockdown might be a novel therapeutic agent in PD-L1/PD-1 blockade strategy that enhanced anti-tumor immune response in CRPC. Graphical abstract Inhibition of HnRNP L diminishes PD-L1 expression and promotes antitumor immunity via destabilizing ...
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Programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) is another immune checkpoint molecule that restrains T cell response (Freeman et al., 2000), which can cause exhaustion of effector T cells during chronic infections and cancer immune evasion (Crawford et al., 2014; Wherry, 2011; Wherry et al., 2007). It...
time traffic signal time translators time transmissio time tries all things time value time value time premi time waits for no one time wantonly to run time weather and traf time will come to sof time will show - i kn times flying by time read time run time strobe timeasleep timepreventive...