第七张图,出自R.P. Hunnicutt编写的《abrams-a-history-of-the-american-main-battle-tank_compress》一书 第五点,补充一点,美国T95E1坦克所搭载的炮塔并不是在M48上所用的那个炮塔 最后,这里来说一下关于美国T95试验坦克和T95E1试验坦克在外观上的一个简单区分,美国T95试验坦克和T95E1试验坦克在外观上的一...
When developing the FV4201 Chieftain, it was proposed to make the armament interchangeable with the American T95 tank by implementing a turret from it on the Chieftain hull. The project did not continue due to the training requirements on the crew that would have to learn to operate two ...
The T95 is a American tank destroyer. It was introduced in Update 1.49 "Weapons of Victory". The T95 is good at providing support and dragging enemy fire. Since Update 1.59 "Flaming Arrows", the T95 shares the HE-filled APCBC T13 shells, researchable at tier 1 modifications, giving it...
T95E1: A Cold War Prototype 0 2 The T95E1 represents a bold step forward in American tank design. Developed during the early years of the Cold War, the T95E1 was engineered to tackle the challenges posed by emerging armored threats. With a focus on advanced firepower, this experimental...
我个人感觉,其实这台车的前后遭遇体现了WG做车思路的变化,诸位有兴趣可以阅读一下R.P.Hunnicutt所著的《A History of the American Main Battle Tank》,有专章提到了T95系列中坦。从数据来看,游戏里这车还是比较现实反映了现实图纸上这车的一些性能。OPTAR系统虽然先进但是非常脆弱,当然游戏里的装甲肯定是砍过,这个...
下一篇文章中,笔者将尝试聊聊冷战初期美军重型坦克的发展思路,并介绍一下M103的雏形——T43重型坦克。 参考资料 R.P. Hunnicutt, 《Firepower--A History of the American Heavy Tank》 《兵器》,2007年1月刊 《海陆空天 惯性世界》,总第161期
When developing the FV4201 Chieftain, it was proposed to make the armament interchangeable with the American T95 tank by implementing a turret from it on the Chieftain hull. The project did not continue due to the training requirements on the crew that would have to learn to operate two diffe...
1952年4月,底特律兵工厂开始主办代号为“Question Mark(简称QM)”的一系列会议,集中了军方以及坦克工业的各位专业人士,对坦克以及其他陆战载具的发展展开研究和探讨。同时会议也提供了平台给各位设计者展示各种新兴概念和方案,并及时给出意见和建议。这时T43项目(即后来的120MM GUN TANK M103)的开发正进行地如火如荼...
Hunnicutt, R. P.Firepower: A History of the American Heavy Tank. 1988; Presidio Press.ISBN0-89141-304-9. T57 (tank), Wikipedia Development of 120-mm Gun Tank, T57. Defense Technical Information Center, DTIC AD0395258 120mm Gun Tank T57.Tank Encyclopedia ...