Trong chương 15 của Girls und Panzer: Ribbon Warrior, cho thấy sau khi Kuromorimine thua trước Ooarai trong trận chung kết, Maho đã cải cách lại đội Chiến xa đạo với chiến thuật mới và giới thiệu văn ...
t salvador dali t sana bilmediĞin bir t sana yandim t sanchopanzer t sapo t sapupara roots t satam spawm t scared t scarlett t scorpion flower t se cansÓ de la risa t secret of crusader t seguros t seize the day t sen gittin diye t senden bi cacik olm t senden Öte can...
值得一提的是,1942年5月20日组建的第66特种坦克营(Panzer-Abteilung z.b.V.66)有至少10辆”重型苏制坦克“,但他们没能去成马耳他,1944年3月27日并入第1滑雪猎兵师(1.Ski-Jaeger-Division)。 1943年1月1日,武器局第六处(Wa Pruef 6)发布了 H.Dv469/2a 文件,对缴获苏军坦克进行了细致分类。不过,德军...
Overall, in the technical aspects of being a medium or main battle tank, it was very much like the Patton and M60 series, and quite unlike tanks like the Leopard, AMX-30, Panzer 61, and Chieftain, all of which were characterized by good or excellent performance in most regards but had ...
Panzer 38(t) n.A. 别名 全称Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) neuer Art初始星级 所属学联黑十字帝国学院捷克斯洛伐克学院 类型轻型兵种坦克 获取方式改造 Panzer 38(t) n.A. 画师:黑盒子 声优:久保由利香 DOLLS资料 由于学联的合并与改组,正式转入黑十字帝国学联的少女获得了全新的名字,全新的同学与全新的环境。
A:Girls und Panzer Wiki上面的FAQ条目的翻译→ Q:FAQ是啥? A:经常有人问的问题及其回答 Q:Girls und Panzer Wiki是什么?官方网站?内容可靠否? A:不是官方网站(吧?),是一群蛋疼的日本人根据官方网站、推特、杂志等内容总结编写的资料网站,内容大约比178之类可靠 Q:...
Source: Wikimedia Commons During this campaign, the Panzerjäger I was also used to support the infantry. This was the case for Pz.Jg.Abt 521 while supporting the 3rd Panzer Division. Due to a lack of operational Soviet tanks, the Panzerjäger I were used for supporting infantry, ...
The Achzarit heavy armored personnel carrier was an Israeli conversion of captured T-55 tanks. Source: Wikimedia commons An Outdated Workhorse Developed at the beginning of the Cold War, the T-55 medium tank was one of the most famous tanks produced in the USSR. It was a capable and relia...
T-54AArmeemuseum, Thun Opublikowała/opublikował: Thomas Hartwig on Panzer ModellZdjęcia: 30 Achzarit T-55 APC Opublikowała/opublikował: Andre Patschke na Prime PortalZdjęcia: 42 BLG-60 Brückenlegegerät Opublikowała/opublikował: Ulrich Wrede na Prime PortalZdjęcia: ...
Panzer IV/70(V), Jagdpanzer 38(t) - These small tank destroyers with their well-angled frontal armour can be quite a problem from a distance. With APHE, you can disable their transmission by shooting at their lower glacis. Now if you can, flank them. The 85 mm APHE does a great job...