The T-62 medium tank, known under the factory index of Object 166, formally entered service in the Soviet Army on 12 August 1961. The tank was designed and built at Factory No. 183 in Nizhniy Tagil, known as Uralvagonzavod. It was accepted into service as a direct reaction to the new...
The T-62 tank formally entered service in the Soviet Army in 1961, and new vehicles would be produced until 1975. The vehicle had largely been based on the previous T-55 in terms of armor layout and powerplant. The engine used in the T-62, the V-55V, was identical to the T-55’...
T-44中型坦克(英文:T-44 Medium Tank),是20世纪40年代中期苏联在T-34/85坦克基础上重新研发的一种中型坦克。T-44中型坦克有4名乘员,取消了原本T-34/85坦克的机电员,航向机枪固定在车体上,由驾驶员控制发射。该坦克的炮塔是在T-34/85坦克基础上改进的,但是炮塔底部没有突出的颈环。T-44中型坦克是T-...
Variant with straight tank from Delta was Thorad (Long Tank Augmented Thrust Thor Delta) Status: Retired 1972. First Launch: 1969-06-05. Last Launch: 1972-05-25. Number: 13 . Gross mass: 88,731 kg (195,618 lb). Thrust: 1,571.00 kN (353,174 lbf). ...还是来自毛二坦这书,前面最厚的也仅是正面25的T26 M1939,我宁可相信脸50的T26压根不存在 来自iPhone客户端3楼2015-02-10 19:25 回复 a125294974 中校 11 T-26S Model 1939Length: 4.8m/ 15ft 9inWidth: 2.39m/ 7ft 10inHeigh...
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59式中型坦克(中国研制代号:WZ120,英文:Type 59 Medium Tank [1],简称:59式坦克),是20世纪50年代中国参考苏联T-54A中型坦克仿制并大量装备的一种中型坦克。 该型坦克战斗全重36吨 [55],乘员4人,最大时速50千米,最大行程560千米。主要武器有1门100毫米线膛炮,战斗射速7发/分,1挺12.7毫米高射机枪和2挺7.62...
[61,62], and ALS patients [63]. Together, these reports suggest a role of Treg deficits in AD progression, but the underlying cause is unknown. For the first time, we identified the role of disease operative CD4+ Aβ-Teff subsets in Treg dysfunction in APP/PS1 mice. We demonstrated ...
Using the differentially expressed mRNAs as the input, we analysed the significant pathways associated with them using the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), BioCarta and Reactome Pathway Database platforms. We identified many enriched pathways, among which the metabolic pathways were most...