T-55AD-1和T-55AD-2则是波兰生产的T-55A指挥坦克,分别安装R-120和R-123无线电系统。 T-55AD-1M和T-55AD-2M由波兰生产的T-55AM改装为指挥坦克,标准和T-55A相同。 T-54AD 【1.2.5】T-55AM Merida 波兰T-55AM安装Merida火控系统的改进型号。 T-55AM Merida 【1.2.6】T-55AMS 拆除车体首上附加...
波兰T-55AM安装Merida火控系统的改进型号。 T-55AM Merida 【1.2.6】T-55AMS 拆除车体首上附加装甲的T-55AM Merida。 T-55AMS 【1.2.7】T-54A(附加装甲) 安装不知名附加装甲套件的T-54A。 T-54A(附加装甲) 1.3 塞尔维亚T-54/55系列 【1.3.1】T-55H ...
T55AM Merida(波兰军是カロ发布的图片壁纸,我是社团ProjektOst的内田弘树先生【用插图明白的波兰军】投稿的T55AM Merida。因为发布时间已经过去了(c90),所以请允许我公开。虽然是之前的东西,但是好像有库存,如果可以的话请↓
T-55AM2B Czech version of T-55AMV with Kladivo fire control. T-55AM2P Polish version of T-55AMV but with Merida FCS. T-55AMD Variant with the Drozd APS instead of ERA. Flamethrower TO-55 (CIS) The TO-55 flamethrower is in service with the CIS Army and Naval infantry. The flam...
The second approach was supported by the Polish industry’s successful integration of domestic technologies into the T-55AM modernization package for the T-55A (resulting in the T-55AM Merida and variants). Based on these successes, Poland began to explore various options regarding how to upgrad...
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Host: Oscar Merida @omerida Frequency: Once or twice every month Runtime: 35 - 70 mins, regularly ~50 mins The PHP Roundtable Description: The PHP Roundtable is a podcast of web developers discussing PHP, JavaScript, community, open source, and anything else PHP nerds care about. Frequency...
20世纪80年代初,波兰依照苏联T-55AM中型坦克,发展出波兰版T-55AM Merida,成为波兰自行研改坦克的起点。不久,波兰开始引进苏联新一代T-72M/M1主战坦克的技术,供应本国和华约国家军队。 有了先前成功改进T-55AM的经验,1991年,格利维采机械设备开发中心开始以T-72M1坦克为基础,研制新型PT-91坦克,1995年投产并进...
I. Merida, E. Diez, G.N. Gaulton IL-2 binding activates a tyrosine-phosphorylated phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase J. Immunol, 147 (1991), pp. 2202-2207 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 24. B. Remillard, R. Petrillo, W. Maslinski, M. Tsudo, T.B. Strom, L. Cantley, L. Vartico...