Detailed 411-Piece Set: The kit includes 411 eco-friendly ABS plastic pieces, allowing users to build a highly detailed T-34 tank model. This level of detail will keep users engaged and challenged. Customization Options: As a user, you can choose to customize the model to your liking, maki...
T-34坦克(俄文:T-34 ТАНК ,英文:T-34 Medium Tank ),是第二次世界大战前由苏联哈尔科夫共产国际工厂设计师米哈伊尔·伊里奇·科什金领导设计的中型坦克。 该坦克战斗全重32吨,发动机功率500马力,最大公路速度75千米/小时,最大行程400千米,装备一门76毫米坦克炮,是一型火力、防护力和机动性都很突出的坦克 ...
T-34坦克是哈尔科夫共产国际工厂著名设计师科什金的呕血杰作。1940年1月底,首批坦克驶离哈尔科夫的工厂生产线,被命名为T-34/76 Model1940型(T-34/76A)。T-34坦克于6月完成生产图纸,随即投入大批量生产。T-34坦克具备出色的防弹外形,强大的火力和良好的机动能力,特别是拥有无与伦比的可靠性,易于大批量生产,是...
The first T-34 Model 1942 tankswith 34.30 sb-12 Gaika turretsbegan appearing on the FinnishFront in early 1942 . Thisparticular tankran over a mineeast of the Syvari power plant ineastern Karelia on 18 April 1942It appears to be one of the tanksfrom the January-february 1942initial produc...
产品名称 苏联T-34/76(1942年型112厂生产)坦克 T-34/76 (Model 1942 Factory No.112)Tank 条码6939319248060 产品比例 1:48 产品类型 Static Kit 模型尺寸 Length: 138.4mm Width: 62.6mm Height: 51.8mm 零件总数 372 pcs 金属部件 n/a 蚀刻部件 One sheet ...
T-12坦克(俄文:T-12 ТАНК,英文:T-12 Tank),是苏联研制的一种双炮塔坦克——主炮塔上方有1个小型的机枪塔,可独立旋转。主炮塔装有1门45毫米火炮,火炮两侧的球状机枪座上各安装1挺7.62毫米机枪。坦克安装了一台苏联研制的M-6发动机。 T-18(MS-1) ...
adding a playful element to the display. The finished model stands as a testament to the engineering marvel of the Tiger I tank, making it an impressive centerpiece for any room. The absence of an original box is compensated by the use of bubble film packaging, ensuring that the model arriv...
(9) S. Zaloga , P. Sarson, T-34/76 Medium Tank 1941-1945, Osprey Military, Reed International Books Ltd, London, 1994, p. 40. (10) Ibid, p. 40. (11) Ibid, p. 12. “T-34在1942年的整体表现” 然而,使用1941年数据论证的问题在于,T-34的支持者总是认为是机械化军的作战状态和1941...
T-34 Tank The T-34 Tank was a Soviet tank that was produced from 1940 to 1958. Although its armor and armament were surpassed by later World War II tanks, it has been often credited as the most effective, efficient and influential tank design of WWII. ...