The HobbyZone Apprentice STS 1.5m RTF Basic is not just an RC plane; it’s a flying mentor. Designed with the beginner in mind, this aircraft is a blend of simplicity and sophistication, offering a seamless introduction to the skies. With its SAFE (Sensor Assisted Flight Envelope) technology...
Termenul IPS este o prescurtare a tehnologiei (in-plane switching), tehnologie de panel LED (LCD) pentru afișare. Dacă nu este stipulat întocmai, toate performanțele afirmate sunt bazate pe cele teoretice. Valorile pot fluctua în scenarii reale de utilizare. Viteza actuală...
Merlin and Teal head for the planetary system, planning to trade back the syrinx. The locals ask them to perform a task in payment: recover the titular AI from a pirate band, because they need it to win the centuries-long war against their enemies. Of course, nothing is quite as it se...
Published bimonthly, International Spectrum provides comprehensive coverage of the products, companies, and trends that shape the MultiValue marketplace as well as the computer industry at large — helping its readers get the most out of their business computer systems. MV.ENTERPRISE Mentor Pro MO/...
-LCTT是“Linux中国”([](的翻译组,负责从国外优秀媒体翻译Linux相关的技术、资讯、杂文等内容。 +LCTT 是“Linux中国”([](的翻译组,负责从国外优秀媒体翻译 Linux 相关的技术、资讯、杂文等内容。 -LCTT已经拥有几百名活跃...
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