Text description provided by the architects. 21 House is located in a new urban of Thanh hoa province, which is a very sparsely populated area. The concept of the design was for a young family with their parents, and they wanted to have a new house of their own: “The open space insid...
Text description provided by the architects. LZ's Love Spa is a single building covered with an attractive unique façade, located in Thanh Hoa city, Vietnam. The project is a successful attempt to accommodate the disparate and conflicting nature of these requirements, screened from an iconic ...
Axel Schoenert architectes, Agence d'architecture, aménagement intérieur, décoration, design, audits techniques, assistance à la maîtrise d'ouvrage
PL-T ARCHITECTS is committed to the actual projects which embody the "BETWEEN”. Between the village and the city, between the architecture and the city, between the new and the old. Each project is based on the reality of life, and reflects the different demands. Such as, Rural design,I...
项目设计:Eigh-T Architects 项目面积: 600.0m² 项目年份:2024 项目摄影:Hoang Le 首席建筑师:...
俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行Sberbank成立于1841年,是俄罗斯和东欧最大的国有商业银行。在视野中消失了近一年之后,Sberbank又以其时尚创新态度再度震撼回归!本案是由Evolution Design 和 T+T Architects设计团队携手为其打造的全新莫斯科总部办公大楼。 开敞明亮的中庭,飞架出一个未来科技感的菱形建筑体(会议室);生机盎然的绿色植...
it includes—as a necessary com- ponent for shared collaboration between the 0740-7459/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society IEEE SOFTWARE 51 DEDPETSTIGITNLE tarchitects, marketects, and develop- ers—descriptions of functionality that are commonly included in marketing re...
全称: 平时建筑 PL-T ARCHITECTS。 公司介绍 平时建筑 PL-T ARCHITECTS 这是一个平等、开放、团结、包容的创造性设计机构,欢迎每一位有想法的建筑师。 更多关于平时建筑的信息,请关注官方网站: http://www.plt-arch.com 及关注微信公众号:ParallelStudy平行建筑学 PL-T广州总部 / PL-T威尼斯分部 / PL-T...
日本K活动中心 KIRYU ATELIER+T Architects Co设计 该建筑位于森林和溪流边。它毗邻场地现有建筑而建,该已有建筑属于古老的日本传统木结构建筑风格。我们设计的建筑与这种传统建筑和自然形成对比。也是传统古老的木结构与现代、强大的混凝土结构之间的对比。设计考虑到了不对场地景观形成破坏,保持了较低的高度,并沿着...
Duket Architects Planners, formed in 1971, is an award winning professional practice committed to excellence in the field of Architecture.