《结束与开始》(Koniec i poczatek,1993)《瞬间》(Chwila,2002)《冒号》(Dwukropek,2005)《这里》(Tutaj,2009)《足矣》(Wystarczy,2012)散文集:《非强制阅读》(Lektury nadobowiazkowe,1973)《非强制阅读新辑》(Nowe Lektury nadobowiazkowe:1997-2002, û收藏 转发 评论 ñ3 评论 o p 同时转发...
Szymborska carefully structures each of her collections; hence, much can be gained by situating the discussion of individual poems with respect to the larger whole of which they are a part. This point is especially true of her 1993 collection,Koniec i poczatek(The End and The Beginning). At...