The University of Szeged (SZTE), founded in 1581, is located in Hungary’s sunniest city and is known for its vibrant student life and welcoming atmosphere. The university boasts renowned alumni, including Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi, who isolated Vitamin C, and Katalin Karikó, a ke...
About University of Szeged The University of Szeged (SZTE) is is located in Szeged at the Southern border of Hungary. It is said to be the safest city in Hungary and a popular university town in Europe. The University of Szeged traces its origins back to the 16th century, and it is on...
赛格德大学(The University of Szeged)始建于1581年,位于匈牙利第三大城市塞格德。作为匈牙利的一所大型国立研究型大学,该大学是匈牙利最顶尖的大学之一,也是中欧最突出的高等教育机构之一。它是中欧首屈一指的高等教育机构,也是国际一流的学府。 该大学前身森久尔季医学药剂学中心 (Szent-Gyorgyi Medical and Pharmaceut...
Franz Joseph, founder of the University in Pantheon University building and the musical clock at Cathedral Square The predecessor of the university is the University of Kolozsvár (University of today's Cluj-Napoca), founded in 1872 by Emperor Franz Joseph I., which had to move to Hungary afte...
Franz Joseph University moved back to Cluj-Napoca in 1940 so the University of Szeged was formed in the old premises, mainly employing former staff Franz Joseph staff. In 1962, the Szeged institution took on the name Attila József University, honouring a Hungarian poet who had been a student...
匈牙利赛格德大学University of Szeged 关注度: 院校类型:大学, 研究生, 博士院校性质:公立国内排名:4世界排名:551 授课语言:英语建校时间:1872学生人数:30526人国际学生:0人 所属地区:H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2. 赛格德大学建于1872年,位于匈牙利东南部的赛格德市,前身为森久尔季医学药剂学中心,是匈牙利最...
赛格德大学(匈牙利语Szegedi Tudományegyetem,英语University of Szeged)位于匈牙利的赛格德城,是一所建立于1872年的公立大学。在上海交通大学的世界大学学术排行榜上,该校名列全球203-300名之间,科学排名位居欧洲大学80-123名之间,而在匈牙利国内,其排名更是高居榜首。 赛格德大学现由农业学院、艺术学院、...