Liszyear_李斯年,音上嗨文化传媒(温州市)有限公司 法定代表人。Liszyear_李斯年的微博主页、个人资料、相册,上海音乐学院。新浪微博,随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿。
AS the Lunar New Year began, Shenzhen was transformed with vibrant colors, joyous celebrations, and heartfelt traditions. For a Shenzhener like me, the experience was nothing short of magical. Walking through streets adorned with red l...
During the Spring Festival, Simon and his family from South Africa have stayed in Shenzhen to celebrate the holiday. He and his wife have not only created a strong Chinese New Year atmosphere at home with festive decorations, but also taken their childre
China's foreign trade with the EU amounted to 4.18 trillion yuan (576.5 billion U.S. dollars) in the first three quarters of 2024, up 0.9 percent year-on-year, statistics show. According to data from the CCCEU, since 2024, the average daily bilateral trade volume has surpassed 2 billion...
“I am about to set off for the last two sections in September and December, respectively, and fulfill my plan this year,” Liu said. According to Liu, if everything goes smoothly, he will finish his 34,000-kilometer around-C...
“I am about to set off for the last two sections in September and December, respectively, and fulfill my plan this year,” Liu said. According to Liu, if everything goes smoothly, he will achieve the goal of cycling 34,000 kilometers around China in five years. ...
Lin Junchen, a 5-year-old participant, finished the run with pride despite feeling exhausted. “I asked my parent to help me register for the event. Many older brothers and sisters cheered for me along the route. The medals look really good — they feature a cute snake wearing a kylin...
作者: HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR 新年快乐!$格力电器(SZ000651)$ 引用: 2025-01-28 12:07 乙巳蛇年 HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR 灵蛇迎新春 欢乐贺新年 点击边框调出视频工具条 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭 观看更多 更多 退出全屏 切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏...
智通财经APP讯,巨星科技(002444.SZ)发布公告,近期,公司连续获得公司核心客户Lowe'S Companies, Inc.(以下简称“劳氏”)颁发的“Vendor Partner of the Year”奖项和The Home Depot Canada(以下简称“家得宝加拿大”)颁发的装潢存储部门“Partner of the Year 2024”奖项。