自闭症又称“孤独症”或自闭症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder,ASD),是神经系统发育失调导致的广泛性发育障碍,属复杂的遗传性多基因神经精神紊乱疾病,其主要表现为社交互动障碍、语言交流障碍、兴趣缺失及重复刻板行为,另外有少量患者出现癫痫、智力低下、个体发育迟缓等较严重病症。大多数患儿起病于出生后36个月以内...
The 11th version of the ICD is not yet set, but the addition would be a recognition that a pastime can become problematic if it leads to a form of addictive behavior. Specifically, the draft’s language states that gaming behavior could be a disorder if it meets three characteristics: if ...
A cohort of 15,744 PwP (n = 67,448 patient-years) was compared to a matched cohort (n = 674,480 patient-years; criteria: year of birth, gender, year of insurance, place of residence: urban/rural) without an ICD-10 coding of a movement disorder. Results: Ov...
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今年5月25日,第72届世界卫生大会于世界卫生组织(WHO)总部瑞士日内瓦通过了《国际疾病分类第11版》(ICD-11),标志着争议已久的“游戏障碍”(gamingdisorder)首次被正式列入精神疾病诊断标准。 (刘奋:副主任医师,深圳市康宁医院成瘾医学科副主任) 玩游戏到什么程度才算是病?