Jamun (Syzygium cumini) which is indigenous to India has been used as medicine for century in Unani and Ayurveda. The presence of bioactive compounds such as alkaloids, tannins, phenols, lipids, flavonoids in its leaves, barks, fruits, stems, and roots contributes to rich source for nutrition ...
Skeels): A review on its nutrients, bioactive compounds and health benefits Nara Rúbia Rodrigues do Nascimento-Silva, ... Flávio Alves da Silva, in Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2022 1 Introduction Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels, a fruit from the Myrtaceae family and the Syzygieae...
Jamun (Syzygium cumini) – Properties, Benefits, Uses & Dosage Description of Plant Jamun is slow growing tree, medium to large sized up to height of 30mt and can live up to 100 years or more. At the upper parts of tree bark is light greyish and smooth, at the base of tree bark ...
3.45 Syzygium cumini Syzygium cumini is native to the south Asian continent. Its valuable medical benefits are described in ancient medical systems such as Ayurveda, Unani and Chinese ones. The seeds and bark are used to treat dysentery and diabetes (Atale et al., 2013). Treatment of the rat...
Future perspectives include longer or earlier treatments, which may result in greater benefits on reproductive parameters of MSG-obese female rats.Abbreviations FSH: Follicle stimulating hormone GH: Growth hormone GLUT-4: Glucose transporter type 4 GnRH: Gonadotropin releasing hormone HE: ...
Phytochemical Constituents of Jaman (Syzygium cumini) Leaf Rajkumari Dhanalaxmi Devi, Jyoti V Vastrad, Geeta Mahale, Giridhar Goudar, Shameembanu Byadgi and Rajashri Kotur College of Rural Home Science, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad KARNATAKA dlaxmirajkumari@rediffmail.com ,jyotivast...
The potential health benefits and food applications of jamun (Syzygium cumini L.), an indigenous fruit of India Purpose Jamun is an underutilised fruit crop of India whose utilization needs to be considerably increased. Despite its impressive nutritional profile and ... SB Ayenampudi,R Verma,SAO...
The results of this study help to provide evidence of the empirically supported benefits of the use of S. cumini in diabetes.Karine S. De BonaPostgraduate Program in PharmacologyGabriela BonfantiPostgraduate Program in PharmacologyPaula E. R. Bitencourt...
Bioactive compounds and health benefits of exotic tropical red–black berries André Gustavo Vasconcelos Costa, ... Pollyanna Ibrahim Silva, in Journal of Functional Foods, 2013 7.1 Botanical description S. cumini (synonym Eugenia jambola or Syzygium jambos or Eugenia cuminii) commonly known as Jambo...
nanoprecipitation not only preserved the antioxidant activity of the encapsulated compounds but also enhanced this activity. It is important to emphasize that the antioxidant activity is related to bioactive properties attributed to the phenolic compounds in jambolan and their benefits for human health [...