Russiais voting through Sunday in three-day presidential elections, with President Vladimir Putin on Friday accusing Ukraine of attempting to sabotage the polls he is certain to win. The Volga river region's Syzran refinery was on fire butan attackon the Novokubyshev refinery was thwarted, Govern...
Define Syzran. Syzran synonyms, Syzran pronunciation, Syzran translation, English dictionary definition of Syzran. n a port in W central Russia, on the Volga River: oil refining. Pop: 191 000 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Ed
AnimalsMiceCells, CulturedGymnospermsTreesPutrescineSperminePolyaminesUreaArginineNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF00726364I. I. BarkovKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersChemistry & Technology of Fuels & Oils
The article provides a description and results of pilot industrial tests that took place in 2020-2021 at the enterprise of Rosneft Oil Company - Syzran Oil Refinery. The object of testing for the first time was the Private LTE wireless data transmission technology, which was based on equipment ...
ANALYSING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS OF ANTHROPOGENIC IMPACTS AS A RESULT OF SYZRAN SHALE-PROCESSING REFINERY WORKdoi:10.17770/ETR2017VOL1.2636N. G. ChumachenkoV. V. TurnikovE. V. PetrovaEnvironment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference...