SYTOX Deep Red 核酸染料是一种高亲和力的核酸染料,可轻易渗透细胞膜受损的细胞,但不会穿过活细胞的细胞膜。SYTOX Deep Red 染料极少在细胞质染色,因此特别适用于在免疫细胞化学技术 (ICC)、免疫组织化学技术 (IHC) 和免疫荧光 (IF) 实验中对固定细胞的核进行染色。与 SYTOX Deep Red 染色剂短暂孵育后,死细胞...
sytox deep red 核酸染色剂 更新时间:2024年12月04日 综合排序 人气排序 价格 - 确定 所有地区 实力供应商 已核验企业 在线交易 安心购 查看详情 ¥530.00/件 上海 CelRed核酸染料(10,000× 水溶液) 品牌Acmec 上海吉至生化科技有限公司 4年 查看详情 面议 广东广州 TANON 天能 核酸凝胶电泳的核酸样品...
CellROX™ Deep Red 试剂,用于氧化应激检测 Catalog number: C10422 8,055.00/Each LIVE/DEAD™ 可固定浅绿色死细胞染色剂试剂盒,用于 405 nm 激发波长 Catalog number: L34957 4,006.00/Each SYTOX™ 死细胞多重染色试剂盒(用于流式细胞分析)
SYTOX 橙色染料可染色细胞膜受损的细胞中的核酸。这种染色剂可作为死亡细胞的指示剂,亮度远超碘化丙啶 (P-1304)。了解更多信息 Have Questions? 货号S11368 价格(CNY)/ Each 价格4,848.00 飞享价3,637.00仅限 Web 订单。 (ends 31-Dec-2025) 您的价格登录以查看您的帐户定价。需要一个帐户?立即注册。
and is detected using a DAPI traditional filter. SYTOX Deep Red stain is excited by red light at 660 nm when bound to DNA, with an emission maximum at 682 nm, and is detected using a Cy5/deep red traditional filter. After removing excess water, just apply a drop of mountant to the ...
at 360 nm when bound to DNA, with an emission maximum at 460 nm, and is detected using a DAPI traditional filter. SYTOX Deep Red stain is excited by red light at 660 nm when bound to DNA, with an emission maximum at 682 nm, and is detected using a Cy5/deep red traditional filter....
weakly fluorescent in the reduced state; however, when oxidized, they become brightly fluorescent and remain localized within the cell. We offer CellROX Green (Cat. No. C10492), CellROX Orange (Cat. No. C10493), and CellROX Deep Red (Cat. No. C10491) Assay Kits validated for flow ...
•SYTOX™ Red Dead Cell Stain (S34854): For the 633/5 nm red laser. •SYTOX™ Orange Dead Cell Stain (S34861): For the 532 nm green laser. •SYTOX™ Dead Cell Stain Sampler Kit (S34862). Related Link •Learn about all SYTOX™ Products. ...
ProLong Gold Antifade Mountant is a liquid mountant applied directly to fluorescently labeled cell or tissue samples on microscope slides. It is formulated without DNA stain or with the blue DNA stain DAPI or with the deep red DNA stain SYTOX Deep Red. ProLong Gold mountant contains chemical ...
SYTOX Deep Red stain is excited by red light at 660 nm when bound to DNA, with an emission maximum at 682 nm, and is detected using a Cy5/deep red traditional filter. Just apply a drop to the sample, add a coverslip, cure, and image. ProLong Diamond mountant is a curing mountant ...