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#include <sys/time.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <stdio.h> statictimeval*timezero=0; typedefint(*go)(timeval*tv, timezone*tz); extern"C"intgettimeofday(timeval*tv, timezone*tz) { // Testing purposes: go gettimeofday_orig; intval; ...
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subroutine zlaic1 (JOB, J, X, SEST, W, GAMMA, SESTPR, S, C) ZLAIC1 applies one step of incremental condition estimation. Function/Subroutine Documentationsubroutine zlaic1 (integerJOB, integerJ, complex*16, dimension( j )X, double precisionSEST, complex*16, dimension( j )W, complex*...
Music:【CUL+GUMI原創】FREYJA.sys~system・freyja~【多重唱民族曲調】 MME:ray-mmd-1.5.0 Dust Effect NPIE ikClut Diffusion XDOF AutoLuminous动画 MMD·3D HAKU FREYJA.sys システム・フレイヤ
TLC fingerprint of phenolics and saponins in commercial extracts of Yucca schidigera Roezl.Fingerprintphenolicsqualitative analysissaponinsTLCYucca schidigeraYucca schidigera Roezl. (yucca) is one of the majoF. SastreF. FerreiraF. PedreschiJournal of liquid chromatography and related technologies...
Command to display zlascl2 manual in Linux: $ man 3 zlascl2 NAMEzlascl2.f - SYNOPSISFunctions/Subroutinessubroutine zlascl2 (M, N, D, X, LDX) ZLASCL2 performs diagonal scaling on a vector. Function/Subroutine Documentationsubroutine zlascl2 (integerM, integerN, double precision, ...