执行dfsrmig /getglobalstate验证整体迁移状态为Eliminated状态 执行dfsrmig /getmigrationstate验证所有域控制器到达Eliminated状态。 检查服务 在每个域控服务器上执行net share ,我们可以看到原来的SYSVOL文件夹的位置已经变更成了Windows\SYSVOL_DFSR\sysvol FRS已经进入stopped状态,同时DFSR进入到running状态,牛逼还是中...
For /f %i IN ('dsquery server -o rdn') do @echo %i && @wmic /node:"%i" /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrreplicatedfolderinfo WHERE replicatedfoldername='SYSVOL share' get replicationgroupname,replicatedfoldername,state 这些state值可以是以下任一值: ...
For /f %i IN ('dsquery server -o rdn') do @echo %i && @wmic /node:"%i" /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrreplicatedfolderinfo WHERE replicatedfoldername='SYSVOL share' get replicationgroupname,replicatedfoldername,state 這些state值可以是下列任一項: ...
It isn't normal for them to remain in that state even after AD replication has reached those DCs and 15 minutes has passed for DFSR AD Polling. Don't share SYSVOL and NETLOGON manually to work around this issue. Don't set SYSVOLREADY=1 to work around this issue. Doing ...
Use the Replica Set Parent registry entry to specify a source domain controller for the D2 setting: Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NtFrs\Parameters\SYSVOL Seeding\DOMAIN SYSTEM VOLUME (SYSVOL SHARE) Value name: Replica Set Parent Value type: REG_SZ Value data: The sou...
FRS升级到DFS大致分为四个状态(其中中间的2个状态DFS和FRS并行存在),以上三个连接都很清楚的说明了,摘抄下: ‘START’ state: In this state, FRS is responsible for replicating the contents of the SYSVOL share between domain controllers. The main replication engine for the SYSVOL share on each of th...
2.故障分析 登录域控制器,通过Net Share命令查看域控制器中的共享文件夹,命令执行后,发现SYSVOL和NETLOGON共享文件夹丢失。 查看“%systemroot%\sysvol”文件夹中的内容,确认文件夹中的数据没有丢失,不是由于删除SYSVOL共享原因造成的故障。 3.解决方法
All Domain Controllers have migrated successfully to Global state (‘Prepared’). Migration has reached a consistent state on all Domain Controllers. Succeeded. 由于活动目录的延迟及数据的数量可能会花费一些时间。 5.验证迁移至Prepared状态成功 1)在每个域控制器上执行net share命令,确认域中的所有域控制器...
All Domain Controllers have migrated successfully to Global state (‘Prepared’). Migration has reached a consistent state on all Domain Controllers. Succeeded. 由于活动目录的延迟及数据的数量可能会花费一些时间。 5.验证迁移至Prepared状态成功 1)在每个域控制器上执行net share命令,确认域中的所有域控制器...
Migration has reached a consistent state on all Domain Controllers. Succeeded. 由于活动目录的延迟及数据的数量可能会花费一些时间。 5.验证迁移至Prepared状态成功 1)在每个域控制器上执行net share命令,确认域中的所有域控制器SYSVOL共享文件夹仍映射到FRS复制的SYSVOL共享文件夹 2)使用使用Ultrasound diagnostic ...