powershellCopy Code # 设置SYSVOL文件夹路径$sysvolPath="C:\Windows\SYSVOL"# 定义要授权的管理员账户(示例中为Administrator)$adminAccount="DOMAIN\Administrator"# 获取SYSVOL文件夹对象$sysvolFolder=Get-Acl-Path$sysvolPath# 移除所有继承的权限,确保只有显式授予的权限有效$sysvolFolder.SetAccessRuleProtection($...
Use Windows Explorer or an equivalent program to paste the contents of the Clipboard in the new path. For example, to move the SYSVOL tree to the X:\Winnt\Sysvol folder, click to select this folder, click Edit, and then click Paste. The parent folder for the moved SYSVOL tree may ...
Path = d:\windows\sysvol\staging\domain, Filespec = NTFRS_* - Component "FRS Writer:\SYSVOL\da45368c-b2d3-4cf0-bdc338a2cde15a7b" - Name: 'da45368c-b2d3-4cf0-bdc338a2cde15a7b' - Logical Path: 'SYSVOL' - Full Path: '\SYSVOL\da45368c-b2d3-4cf0-bdc338a2cde15a7b' - Captio...
For /f %i IN ('dsquery server -o rdn') do @echo %i && @wmic /node:"%i" /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrreplicatedfolderinfo WHERE replicatedfoldername='SYSVOL share' get replicationgroupname,replicatedfoldername,state 这些state值可以是以下任一值: ...
This reparse point must be linked to the \SYSVOL\domain folder. \SYSVOL\staging areas\DNS Domain Name This reparse point must be linked to the \SYSVOL\staging\domain folder. The default path for the SYSVOL tree is under the \WINDOWS or \WINNT folder on the partition where the operating sys...
SYSVOL is a folder shared by domain controller to hold its logon scripts, group policies and other items related to AD. All the domain controllers in network will replicate the content of SYSVOL folder. The default path for SYSVOL folder is%SystemRoot%\SYSVOL. This fol...
DFS-R SYSVOL Path [drive:\]Windows_folder\SYSVOL_DFSR\sysvol Local State The current local migration state for the domain controller should be as follows: Prepared:1Redirected:2Eliminated:3. Other values represent intermediate migration states, as discussed in theSYSVOL Migration Statestopic. ...
DFS-R SYSVOL Path [drive:\]Windows_folder\SYSVOL_DFSR\sysvol Local State The current local migration state for the domain controller should be as follows: Prepared: 1 Redirected: 2 Eliminated: 3. Other values represent intermediate migration states, as discussed in the SYSVOL Migration S...
DFS-R SYSVOL Path [drive:\]Windows_folder\SYSVOL_DFSR\sysvol Local State The current local migration state for the domain controller should be as follows: Prepared:1Redirected:2Eliminated:3. Other values represent intermediate migration states, as discussed in theSYSVOL Migration Statestopic. ...
DFS-R SYSVOL Path [drive:\]Windows_folder\SYSVOL_DFSR\sysvol Local State The current local migration state for the domain controller should be as follows: Prepared: 1 Redirected: 2 Eliminated: 3. Other values represent intermediate migration states, as discussed in the SYSVOL Migration States top...