systemd 的 Tomcat 启动脚本:(存为 /lib/systemd/system/tomcat8.service ,然后systemctl daemon-reload) [Unit] Description=Apache Tomcat Web Application Container [Service] Type=forking Environment=JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 Environment=CATALINA_PID=/usr/loc...
chkconfig httpd --list ls /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/httpd.service 查看httpd服务在各个级别下的启动和禁用情况 chkconfig httpd --add systemctl daemon-reload 创建一个新服务文件或者变更配置时使用 systemd 电源管理命令systemctl 命令说明 systemctl poweroff 关闭系统 systemctl reboot 重启系统 systemctl su...
目录下的脚本可以接受start, stop, restart, force-reload等参数,用于对各项任务进行管理和控制。以S02cron为例: #!/bin/sh# Start/stop the cron daemon.### BEGIN INIT INFO# Provides: cron# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog $time# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog $time# Should-Start: $netw...
httpd --add systemctl daemon-reload创建⼀个新服务⽂件或者变更配置时使⽤ systemd 电源管理命令 systemctl 命令说明 systemctl poweroff关闭系统 systemctl reboot重启系统 systemctl suspend进⼊待机模式 systemctl hibernate进⼊休眠模式 systemctl hybird-sleep进⼊混合休眠模式 ...
Description=OpenSSH server daemon [Service] EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/sshd ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/sshd-keygen ExecStart=/usrsbin/sshd –D $OPTIONS ExecReload=/bin/kill –HUP $MAINPID KillMode=process Restart=on-failure RestartSec=42s ...
start;;reload)<cause the service configuration to be reread, either withkill-HUP or by restarting the daemons,ina manner similar to restart above>;;condrestart)<Restarts the servceifit is already running. For example:>[-f/var/lock/subsys/<service>]&&restart||: ...
systemctl reload apache.service# 重载所有修改过的配置文件$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload# 显示某个 Unit 的所有底层参数$ systemctl show httpd.service# 显示某个 Unit 的指定属性的值$ systemctl show-pCPUShareshttpd.service# 设置某个 Unit 的指定属性$ sudo systemctl set-property httpd.serviceCPU...
...浅析 Linux 初始化 init 系统(1):sysvinit upstart debian, Ubuntu等系统使用的initdaemon 浅析 Linux 初始化 init 系统(2): UpStart...systemd Systemd 是 Linux 系统中最新的初始化系统(init),它主要的设计目标是克服 sysvinit 固有的缺点,提高系统的启动速度 浅析 Linux 初始化 init 系统(...
sudo systemctl enable AdGuardHome.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload If it is setup properly as a service, this should enable it to start on reboots. Also, here is a pretty good guide if you feel like attempting the install foot work yourself.
Ubuntu 从6.10版本开始使用 upstart来代替sysvinit, upstart包提供了新的init daemon。Upstart init daemon 本质上不是基于运行级别的启动init进程,但为了跟传统的sysvinit兼容,upstart提供了兼容的runlevel和telinit等工具,以及也使用/etc/rc?.d 作为启动或者停止某个服务。但运行级别3不在是text模式,而且也不能通过改变...