修改了配置文件需要重新加载一下配置文件: sudo systemctl daemon-reload 重启相关服务 sudo systemctl restart foobar
systemd 的 Tomcat 启动脚本:(存为 /lib/systemd/system/tomcat8.service ,然后systemctl daemon-reload) [Unit] Description=Apache Tomcat Web Application Container After=network.target [Service] Type=forking Environment=JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 Environment=CATALINA_PID=/usr/loc...
目录下的脚本可以接受start, stop, restart, force-reload等参数,用于对各项任务进行管理和控制。以S02cron为例: #!/bin/sh# Start/stop the cron daemon.### BEGIN INIT INFO# Provides: cron# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog $time# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog $time# Should-Start: $netw...
chkconfig httpd --list ls /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/httpd.service 查看httpd服务在各个级别下的启动和禁用情况 chkconfig httpd --add systemctl daemon-reload 创建一个新服务文件或者变更配置时使用 systemd 电源管理命令systemctl 命令说明 systemctl poweroff 关闭系统 systemctl reboot 重启系统 systemctl su...
systemctl reload apache.service# 重载所有修改过的配置文件$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload# 显示某个 Unit 的所有底层参数$ systemctl show httpd.service# 显示某个 Unit 的指定属性的值$ systemctl show-pCPUShareshttpd.service# 设置某个 Unit 的指定属性$ sudo systemctl set-property httpd.serviceCPU...
Description=OpenSSH server daemon [Service] EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/sshd ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/sshd-keygen ExecStart=/usrsbin/sshd –D $OPTIONS ExecReload=/bin/kill –HUP $MAINPID KillMode=process Restart=on-failure RestartSec=42s ...
httpd --add systemctl daemon-reload创建⼀个新服务⽂件或者变更配置时使⽤ systemd 电源管理命令 systemctl 命令说明 systemctl poweroff关闭系统 systemctl reboot重启系统 systemctl suspend进⼊待机模式 systemctl hibernate进⼊休眠模式 systemctl hybird-sleep进⼊混合休眠模式 ...
...浅析 Linux 初始化 init 系统(1):sysvinitupstart debian, Ubuntu等系统使用的initdaemon 浅析 Linux 初始化 init 系统(2): UpStart...systemd Systemd 是 Linux 系统中最新的初始化系统(init),它主要的设计目标是克服sysvinit固有的缺点,提高系统的启动速度 浅析 Linux 初始化 init 系统(...
Upstartis an event-based replacement for the/sbin/initdaemon and was born out of the need for starting services only, when they are needed (also supervising them while they are running), and handling events as they occur, thus surpassing the classic, dependency-based sysvinit system. ...
force-reload should really be mapped to restart to be debian policy compliant. In upstart, reload always works and sends SIGHUP (or restart signal) to the daemons but that may or may not actually reload configuration. Thus to be on the safe side & as per policy force-reload ...