private async void OpenApp(object sender, EventArgs e) { IEnumerable<AppListEntry> appListEntries = await Package.Current.GetAppListEntriesAsync(); await appListEntries.First().LaunchAsync(); } private async Task SendToUWP(ValueSet message) { if (connection == null) { connection = new AppS...
Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD, &nidApp); Response to the message Now our application gets a callback message when the mouse is moving over the systray icon. In our window callback function: C++ switch (message) { case WM_USER_SHELLICON: // systray msg callback switch(LOWORD(lParam)) { ...
SystrayApp.app/ Contents/ Info.plist MacOS/ go-executable Resources/ SystrayApp.icns When running as an app bundle, you may want to add one or both of the following to your Info.plist: <!--avoid having a blurry icon and text--><key>NSHighResolutionCapable</key> <string>True</string>...
回答:IDT Audio system tray application 是您电脑声卡的东西吧,建议不要删除
wailsapp/wails/pull/3907)+- [linux] Enhanced systray click handling by leveraging com.canonical D-Bus messages for initial clicks and StatusNotifier's Activate signal for double clicks, providing more intuitive user interaction by @atterpac in [#3907](https://github.com/wailsapp/wails/pull/...
当添加一个图标到托盘时这有一个图标的回调消息,注意到NOTIFYICONDATA结构中有uCallbackMessage成员是回调消息识别的关键,它会被传给NIM_ADD(我们之后将会见到更详细的)。当添加托盘图标这个事件发生时,系统发送一个回调函数到由hWnd成员对象指定的窗口过程(winproc),wParam 参数可以用来被识别究竟发生了什么操作。lPara...
Tray BeginWith nfIconData.hWnd = Me.hWnd.uID = Me.Icon.uFlags = NIF_ICON Or NIF_MESSAGE Or NIF_TIP.uCallbackMessage = WM_MOUSEMOVE.hIcon = Me.Icon.Handle'定义鼠标移动到托盘上时显示的Tip.szTip = App.Title + "(版本 " & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & "." & App....