Translate text, documents and much more in 55+ languages with SYSTRAN fully secured professional translation solutions. API & CAT Tool integration
Translate text, documents and much more in 55+ languages with SYSTRAN fully secured professional translation solutions. API & CAT Tool integration
Systran is a leading provider of language translation software and solutions. Founded in 1968, the company has played a key role in improving cross-cultural communication through its state-of-the-art language technology. Over the years, Systran has established itself as a trusted partner forbusiness...
PROPRIETARY&CONFIDENTIAL Systran机器翻译软件技术培训(一)Systran6系统及功能使用简述 2 Systran-翻译能力强、使用广泛翻译能力强、Systran–机器软件的佼佼者 -≈40年的发展历史 -支持40多对语言-20多种不同语言-为主要门户网站提供翻译服务,如Babelfish,Google,Yahoo!...)-每天在线翻译量约35,000,000-为公司和...
SYSTRAN Software, Inc.7855 Fay Avenue, Suite 300 La Jolla, CA 92037;SYSTRAN Software, Inc.7855 Fay Avenue, Suite 300 La Jolla, CA 92037;The latest technological advancement & applicationsJin Yang and Laurie Gerber. SYSTRAN Chinese- English MT System. In Proceedings of the International ...
由于HelloTalk用户对韩语学习的需求度高,Systran将基于韩中、中韩、韩英等多语言翻译器、词典、自然语言处理等功能,对HelloTalk提供更好的实时翻译、语法修改、多语言文字识别等技术支持。本次合作,属于韩国政府支持的全球创意软件(Global Creative Software GCS)原创技术开发项目——“开发结合深度学习解决方案和众包人工...
- software to understand special terminology or subject matter. - UDs are bilingual or multilingual glossaries created by SYSTRAN v6 users, which can be - used in addition to the SYSTRAN built-in dictionaries to enhance translation quality. ...
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal 12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions 12 Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ [...
SYSTRAN混合策略汉英和英汉机器翻译系统 Jin Yang, Satoshi Enoue Jean Senellart, Tristan Croiset SYSTRAN Software, Inc. SYSTRAN SA 9333 Genesee Ave. Suite PL1 La Grande Arche, 1, Parvis de la Défense San Diego, CA 92121, USA 92044 Paris La Défense Cedex,France {jyang, enoue}@systransoft....
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