Given the shared pathways between several cardiovascular conditions, it has been suggested that elevated blood pressure (BP) increases the risk of VHD as it does with stroke or ischemic heart disease.5 Initial supportive evidence for this hypothesis came from cross-sectional studies showing a positive...
We did not exclude participants with isolated diastolic hypertension (n = 91) among whom the mean (SD) diastolic BP (DBP) was 83.1 (2.9) mm Hg, because it is uncertain whether isolated diastolic hypertension is associated with a significantly increased risk for ASCVD.22-24 An automated ...
BP = blood pressure; CABG = coronary artery bypass surgery; LVSF = left ventricular systolic function; PTCA = percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Most bivariate comparisons between patients with preserved and impaired LVSF were statistically significant because of large sample sizes (Table 1...
Define the following commonly used abbreviation: "BP". Define the following word: "myodynamometer". Define the following word: "corectopia". Define the term atmospheric pressure. Define the following word: "pachycheilia". Define the following cardiovascular term: "doppler". ...
Isolated diastolic hypertension is more common in early life30, so the possibility remains that higher diastolic BP precludes survival to recruitment more strongly than higher systolic BP, meaning that estimates for diastolic BP on the CVDs that occur later in life, such as ischaemic stroke, heart...
Although cumulative evidence has revealed that night-time BP has better predictive power compared with daytime BP, American and International Society of Hypertension guidelines hardly mention it until 2017. There is intense controversy regarding the prognostic meaning of white-coat hypertension and to a ...
Post Hoc Outcomes in Years 1 Through 5 View LargeDownload OutcomeaSuccess or Yes, % (95% CI)Difference, % (95% CI)Estimated Odds Ratio (95% CI)bP Value Lifestyle and Intensive Medical ManagementRoux-en-Y Gastric Bypass HbA1c <6.0% 1 5 (2 to 16) 45 (26 to 65) 40 (19 to 61)...
Meaning Lifelong genetic exposure to lower levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and lower systolic blood pressure was associated with lower cardiovascular risk.Abstract Importance The relationship between exposure to lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and lower systolic blood pressure...
“For ICH patients presenting with SBP >220 mm Hg, it may be reasonable to consider aggressive reduction of BP [blood pressure] with a continuous intravenous infusion and frequent BP monitoring (Class IIb; Level of Evidence C).”1(p2040) Class IIb indicates that efficacy is less well ...
1 Previous research has shown that using the mean of multiple SBP measurements over time, long-term cumulative mean SBP has a greater predictive value than single SBP measurements4-6 and tends to provide better estimations of major cardiovascular events and BP control than traditional BP measures....