Abstract: A compact cartridge fan system for use in an articulating bed structure having a stationary horizontal support panel includes a frame adapted to be engaged in a receiving aperture in the stationary horizontal support panel. A cartridge is removably received in a receiving aperture in the...
The method includes: receiving a scheduling request message, where the scheduling request message includes a requester viewer identifier, a source channel identifier, and a destination channel identifier; authenticating whether a requester viewer corresponding to the requester viewer identifier has the right...
Sterile conditions are ensured by sterilizing the head of the machine before starting the work.G.SchichtG.BradlerH.SteiningerH.KnöllWileyActa Biotechnologica
Development of BWR plant diagnosis systm using noise analysis.A diagnosis system using noise analysis technique has been developed and its diagnosis performance is tested. Diagnosis objects are reactor core, three main control systems and jet pumps in a BWR plant. This diagnosis system is composed ...
CONNECTIVITES SUCCESSIVES: ARTHRITE JUVNILE IDIOPATHIQUE PUIS LUPUS RYTHMATEUX SYSTMIQUEconnectivitesuccessivearthrite juvénile idiopathiquelupusAdult onset Still's disease (AOS) is an inflammatory disorder which associates variable articular and systemic manifestations. Despite a better knowledge of ...
Carrier holding micro-substances, systm suspending such carriers apparatus for manipulating such carriers and method of controlling positions of such carriersThe present invention relates to a carrier holding micro-substances, system suspending such carriers, apparatus for manipulating such carriers and ...
The magnets allow the cord to be coiled and looped in different ways to facilitate carrying and storage.Matt ScandoraUS20130298356 * May 9, 2013 Nov 14, 2013 Flux Audio LLC Cord management systm
“Finer Resolution Observation and Monitoring of Global Land Cover: First Mapping Results with Landsat TM and ETM+ Data.” International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (7): 2607–2654.Gong, P. , J. Wang , L. Yu , Y. Zhao , Y. Zhao , L. Liang , et al. 2012 . Finer resolution ...
This project requires use of corrected Landsat TM data since research foci integrate ground-based data and TM to: (1) measure and model biomass; (2) classify Multiple stages of secondary succession; (3) model land cover/land use changes; and (4) derive spectral signatures consistent across ...
An electrostatic precipitator in which generation of ozone is suppressed while exhibiting high precipitation capacity by employing a discharge electrode plate having no risk of disconnection, and the discharge electrode plate for electrostatic precipitator. The electrostatic precipitator is characterized in ...