SysTick configuration is also supported via available CMSIS functions in the core_cm0plus.h file. The following code example uses the SysTick_Config() function, which initializes SysTick and its interrupt (priority level = 3), and starts the timer. The counter is i...
In addition to working as the time base of the RTOS, the Systick counter is also commonly used for the precise delay function. By default, the system clock is set as the maximum value. That means, if not configured particularly, the APB1 Bus clock is 36MHz, and the APB2 Bus clock i...
SysTick_CTRL is a control and status register that configures the SysTick clock, enables the counter, enables the SysTick interrupt, and indicates the counter status.bit 16 COUNTFLAG: Indicates whether the counter has counted to 0 since the last read of this register. ...